Tokyo is a bustling metropolis where ultra-modern buildings are juxtaposed with ancient structures. Each city district is unique and interesting, and also completely different from the others.
First of all, we recommend visiting the Imperial Palace, surrounded by Higashi-Gehen and Kitanomaru Parks.
From the religious buildings, you should pay attention to the temple Tosegu, the Orthodox Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, and the temple of the goddess Kannon.
The collections of the Edo-Tokyo History Museum, the Museum of Science and Innovation Development "Miraikan," and the Museum "Shitamashi" are interesting.
Obviously, you should go up to the observation deck of Tokyo Tower, which is considered the best in the city. The view from here is beautiful both during the day and in the evening. The Roppongi Hills helipad also offers a magnificent view (entrance fee). The free observation deck is located on the tower crowning the Tokyo Prefectural Building.
If you want something out of the ordinary, head to the Ikebukuro Bosai-Kan Earthquake Information Center. Only here can you experience a 7 magnitude quake and be guaranteed to stay alive! Classes are free of charge for everyone.