Kazakhstan is a country with an amazing variety of nature, cultural traditions and historical monuments. The popularity of tourism here is growing every year, so it is high time to take a chance. Moreover, except for the flight and the road in general, the cost of traveling to Kazakhstan is quite low. Housing, food and entertainment are very affordable here. Prices are higher only in popular tourist destinations and famous resorts, as in the rest of the world. One of the main attractions of Kazakhstan is its natural landscapes. There are many unique phenomena here, like Lake Balkhash. It is a semi-freshwater lake, one of the largest lakes in the country and the world, and the second largest non-drying salt lake after the Caspian Sea. The peninsula divides it into two parts, the composition of water in which is completely different: one part is fresh and the other is salty. Astana amazes with the harmony of modernity and tradition, as well as unique monuments. During local festivals you can enjoy traditional cuisine, music and national games like kokpar and baluan sholak. Kazakh cuisine is a separate topic for discussion. The demand for gastronomic tours to Kazakhstan is also constantly growing. And, of course, in a country with such a landscape, the possibilities for active and adventure tourism are endless.