
Beach Azerbaijan: Top 6 resorts of the country

Sea vacation in Azerbaijan is an excellent alternative to the already bored classic destinations of beach tourism. The Caspian Sea washes the shores of the country, the beaches of which are mostly sandy, so the destination is often chosen for summer vacations with children.
24 september 2024
AUTHOR: Kybukevykh Khrystyna
5 min

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Kybukevykh Khrystyna
editor tripmydream

What should I know about the resorts of Azerbaijan?

  • The swimming season on the Caspian Sea coast starts in May. By the end of spring the water warms up to +18°C, but this does not stop hardened tourists.
  • The main flow of vacationers falls on July and August. In these months the temperature of the Caspian Sea near the coast of Azerbaijan reaches its maximum values: from +26°C to +28°C. In early fall, the water begins to gradually cool down and by October its temperature drops to +19°C.
  • All sea resorts are located near Baku, on the Apsheron peninsula. Thanks to the developed transport communication you can reach them not only by cab or private car, but also by bus.
  • There are not too many free beaches here. And paid can be divided into two groups: hotel beaches with a wide range of services and city beaches with minimal infrastructure.
  • Despite the fact that the entrance to almost all beaches is paid, not every territory is equipped with lifeguard towers. The lack of lifeguards on commercial beaches around Baku is one of the main problems. We advise you to choose those beaches where specialists work.


Zagulba resort, famous for its beach complexes, is located about 70 km from Baku, the capital of the country. The distinctive feature of the coast in these places is a rocky bottom, which makes the water in the sea clear and clean. However, for the same reason it is recommended to swim here only in calm and windless weather.

There are three famous commercial beaches in Zagulba - "Sherlock", "Heather" and "Mirvani". All of them are well equipped, but differ in prices and range of services.

Mirvani beach attracts a wide variety of leisure activities on offer. Visitors can ride on water amusements, play volleyball or soccer on the prepared grounds, use the bar and restaurant. Another beach complex "Sherlock" in addition to changing rooms and showers has several swimming pools, a playground for children, a restaurant and a bar, where in the evenings there are musical concerts. For those looking for a traditional, no-frills beach, Heather is moderately equipped and inexpensive.

Photo author - touristpro


Shikhovo is a famous water resort located on the shore of the blue Caspian Sea. It is separated from the capital of Azerbaijan by only 10 km, which makes the resort especially popular among the guests of the capital.

The shore, on which the resort is located, is sometimes rocky, and sometimes covered with sandy surface - it looks amazingly beautiful.

Climatic conditions of the area are very favorable: summer pleases with warm sunny days, and winter - the mildness of the current. Such natural conditions make it possible to receive guests not only for beach vacation, but also for recovery all year round.
Photo author - tourister

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Bilgah is a small town located on the Absheron Peninsula, 47 km from Baku. According to vacationers, for the best beach vacation one should come here. After all, here is not only crystal clear water and fine golden sand, but also surprisingly healthy air.

In Soviet times, this direction was considered prestigious. It was chosen for health-improving rest in a cardiological sanatorium. By the way, this is one of the few resort centers that receive guests year-round. If you are not a fan of health resorts, for a vacation by the sea you can choose a modern recreation complex, of which there are now quite a few. In fact, there are many beaches around the village of Bilgah. Including luxury ones, for example, located on the territory of Amburan Beach Club or Bilgah Beach Hotel.

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The small town of Shabran lives its life 122 kilometers away from Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. The name of the settlement means "camel breeder" in Azerbaijani, but today you will not meet camels here, although in its time this town was one of the main stops of large caravans.

From the East, Shabran is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea, whose sandy shores smoothly pass into uplands and then into mountains covered with amazingly beautiful forests. The territory of the region is rich in mineral waters and mud volcanoes, so here you can not only have a great rest, but also improve your body.

Photo author - 1001tur


The local beach of Mardakan is a favorite resting place of Baku residents and guests of the country at any time of the year. The locals call Mardakan village "pearl by the sea" and there is a logical explanation for this - amazingly clean sea, gentle entrance to the water, sprawling beaches.

The first reason why travelers choose Mardakyan is clean air. That is why the region is simply studded with health resorts. The beaches here are predominantly pebble, but there are areas with artificially created sandy surface. Diving lovers will appreciate Mardakan. Unlike other Baku resorts, the depth of the sea here is quickly reached.

Photo author - travel


Sumgayit is the third largest city of Azerbaijan by area. The resort is located 36 km away from the country's capital Baku. It is a relatively young settlement, the history of which began in the second half of the last century. So you should not look for ancient monuments here, but this does not stop vacationers who are increasingly choosing Sumgayit.

It is all about the uniqueness of the coastline - the beaches of Sumgayit are covered not with sand and pebbles, as in other resorts of Azerbaijan, but with tiny shells bleached by the sun and the sea, which creates an unusually beautiful picture.

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