Personal experience

Central America from Costa Rica to Guatemala: country rankings and why you should come here

Anna didn't just visit Central America, she went there for 4 months! And even with a small child! However, this did not prevent her from discovering 7 interesting countries, which you will learn about in this article.
25 july 2017
11 min

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For many people, Central America is the edge of geography and a remote world province. No one goes there for gold, and there is no wealth there. These countries are among the poorest in the world. The region has been shaken by endless civil wars and military coups. Even now, during the period of peaceful calm, tourists rarely visit Central American countries. Dangerous, dirty, uninteresting - we hear from our compatriots. Is it so? Yes and no. Danger may be waiting for you in Barcelona, and everyone's concept of cleanliness is subjective.


But if you want to see ruins of Mayan cities lost in the jungle; active volcanoes and white sandy beaches of the Caribbean coast; architectural gems of colonial architecture of Guatemala and Nicaragua; rivers and lakes, seas and forests - then you should come here, as it is insanely interesting.

I invite you to take a trip with our family through Central America, where we spent 4 months. Let's make some comparative rating and give a general idea about these lands.

Central America is a region located between North and South America. On this small piece of land there are seven countries: Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama. Six of them are Latin American, the exception is Belize - a former British colony. The population of the region is made up of indigenous people: Indians (descendants of the Mayan civilization), as well as Spaniards who settled Central America during colonization, and Africans who remained here from the times of slavery. The main language of the region is Spanish. But let's go through them all in order.

We have compiled our list of countries in descending order, from best to worst. This is the subjective opinion of our family, who saw Central America just like this.

Costa Rica

One of the smallest countries in Central America, but an unequivocal favorite. Located in the narrowest part of the Isthmus of Panama. Costa Rica can be considered one of the most beautiful countries in the region: mountain ranges, emerald volcanic lakes, "cloudy" rainforests, waterfalls, silver sands of beaches, national parks and reserves, occupying a quarter of the country's territory.


The state of Costa Rica, in contrast to neighboring Central American countries, is a prosperous and peaceful state. The country has no paramilitary army, it was dissolved in 1949, and the security of the country is provided by the Civil Guard of about 10 thousand people. This has a positive impact on the fact that the country is step by step turning into one of the most promising countries in the entire western hemisphere in terms of international tourism. This place is especially attractive for American retirees. Well, it can be understood, because Costa Rica is in the international TOP of happiness. And there is nothing surprising here. Costa Rican residents are considered to be among the happiest people on Earth. The International Happiness Index uses many criteria to determine happiness, including life expectancy, well-being and ecology, thus determining the overall level of happiness. People here are friendly, the rhythm of life is unhurried, the air is clean and the sky is blue. In Costa Rica often greet each other and say goodbye, saying "Pura Vida". But the expression Pura Vida, translates to "pure life" and it is more than just a turn of phrase for Costa Ricans - it is a state of mind. I would say it's a whole philosophy of the country.


And of course don't believe people who tell you that Costa Rica is too polished and artificial, thanks to the infusion of American investors. It has a marvelous combination of pristine beauty and comfort, which you should definitely pay for. Costa Rica is the most expensive country in all of Central America. But a beauty like this deserves it. Well, you get the picture: here we left a piece of ourselves and fell in love up to our ears with this country, people and culture.


Panama gave its name to the isthmus that connects the continents of North and South America. The Republic also includes more than one and a half thousand islands. Panama captivates tourists with its versatility: relatively small in area, it contains 11 national parks, 5 Indian reservations, 2 mountain ranges and endless beaches of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. No matter where you stay, the ocean is always close by!


Panama impressed us with its contrast: incredible virgin nature (especially the island part) and skyscrapers and slums. We visited the "paradise islands" called Bocas del Toro. The islands have excellent conditions for surfing, deep-sea diving, diving, boat tours. After what I have seen, I am not afraid to say that Bocas del Toro is a unique treasure of Panama, a pristine archipelago, which includes 9 relatively large islands, 52 small islands and more than 200 tiny islands, practically reefs. There are probably few places left on earth as unique as this.


Here everything is quite civilized, but from the minuses I will note: the high cost and a kind of defeatism in the local population. The prices are a bit lower than in Costa Rica, but it does not save the situation. And about people, we have made wonderful acquaintances here, but often there was a feeling of indifference of locals to everything.


The largest country in Central America. This place is favored by connoisseurs of ecotourism: ascents to active and extinct volcanoes, traveling through jungles and to picturesque lagoons. Here is one of the natural wonders of the planet - Lake Nicaragua, over which literally rises the island of Ometepe, formed by two volcanoes of ideal conical shape: Concepcion and Maderas.


In fact, based on what we have seen, Nicaragua is a gem that is polished, modified and becoming more and more attractive and popular among travelers. Here you will find the colonial cities of Leon and Granada. Once here, you begin to get into the atmosphere, where houses are painted in blue, pink and green colors. A string of horse-drawn carriages ride along the grated paving stones. In the city center, the houses look as grand as they did during the Spanish conquests: enfilades of columns, patios.

If you want to be on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, then Popoyo is the place for surfing and yoga. There is a special atmosphere here: carefree and free youth with no plans for tomorrow, just HERE and NOW. Yes, the ocean is not always an element for a vacation with a child, but here you can see: sand, a huge beach, an atmosphere of peace and goodness. And what sunsets!


Keep in mind that there are more and more people who want to see this pristine beauty. So hurry up, as there is definitely something to do in Nicaragua with and without children. In short, this place deserves your attention.


The most colorful country of all Central America, where they carefully preserve their customs and traditions. The main part of the local population is Indians and they are dressed in national costumes. The main value in life here is family and relatives, and everything else takes much less attention, emotions and strength.


The locals treat foreign tourists very discreetly and with a degree of curiosity. We have met some aggression, but this is more of an exception to the rule. Guatemala is a powerful center of agricultural production (prices for fruits and vegetables are the lowest in Central America). Here is a gastronomic paradise: fruits, vegetables, spices, nuts and many other things, the names of which we do not know. There are no problems with snacks either: there is an abundance of food from fast food to a full chicken with rice and salad. In general, it even resembles Asia in some ways.

Here everyone can find their own: to see the Atlantic and Pacific coasts; to appreciate the fantastic volcanic landscapes (Guatemala has 33 volcanoes, 4 of them active) and Lake Atitlan surrounded by three volcanoes, one of the deepest and most beautiful in the world at an altitude of 1500m above sea level; archaeological treasures of the Mayan civilization with colonial architecture are waiting for connoisseurs of antiquity.


The city of Antigua is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a kind of "white ghetto" and "gringoland" (Americans, Canadians, some French, Germans, Swedes, Swiss and even groups of Japanese with a guide). Here, for the first time during our journey through Central America, we met such a huge crowd of white tourists. There is a spirit of freedom here, and the Baroque monuments, half-destroyed by the earthquake, turn the city into a museum of colonial Spanish architecture.

The town of Quetzaltenango is a slice of Europe, located 2333 meters above sea level and attracts travelers with its beautiful architecture, fabric factories and the opportunity to climb a volcano.


Subjective: Guatemala is insanely colorful! The bus rides are worth it: your pulse and heartbeat quickens, which is not always comfortable and cozy. But in any case, it is an entertaining and interesting experience.

El Salvador

The most densely populated country in Central America: on 21 thousand square kilometers there are about 6 million people. In terms of size, it is no bigger than the Lviv region. Unlike its neighbors, the tourism industry in El Salvador is underdeveloped: after a bloody civil war in the late 20th century and a major earthquake in the early 2000s, the country's economy and infrastructure are reviving very slowly. El Salvador is often called the land of lakes and volcanoes - the main part of the country is a volcanic highland with two chains of volcanoes, one of which is active.


We remembered El Salvador as a warm, colorful and safe country. Here we met amazing people, walked around the city of Santa Ana, looked at the examples of colonial architecture and walked in the local parks. Particularly memorable were the signs at the entrance to the park stating that entry with edged weapons is prohibited.


According to scientists, here is the most striking evidence of the existence of the Mayan civilization - the ancient city of Copan. If you want to go back many centuries, wander among the jungle and be impressed by the rock paintings, making up theories about how all this was created without special equipment, then you must see it. Copan it is like that - it amazes the imagination and makes you remember it for a long time. Believe me, you did not dream about Honduras (and who dreams about it?) for one simple reason - you did not know about the existence of the city of Copan. The ruins of the ancient Mayan city were discovered only in the middle of the 19th century, after which researchers and archaeologists began to come to these places. As a result, an ancient city with pyramids, statues, temples, platforms and a stadium was discovered.


Honduras is a rather unfavorable and quite criminal country, but if you are traveling in the Central American region, the city of Copan definitely deserves your close attention.

It's quite a touristy place in the west of Honduras, close to the Guatemalan border. And there are no rules here: you can use a guide and listen to a story about the UNESCO World Heritage Site, its history and inhabitants, or you can take a family stroll around the area completely safely, exploring the ruins on your own. Both choices are worthy of respect. But what is surely worth doing after such an adventure is to have a cup of strong Honduran coffee and watch the passers-by in the main square or just admire the magnificent mountains.


Belize is the only English-speaking country in Central America and was called British Honduras until 1973. Historically, with the arrival of the conquistadors, and these were English settlers, the bulk of "residents" were pirates and colonists from the island of Jamaica, who brought with them Negro slaves to work at logging and plantations. That's why there is an insane number of Africans who speak Creole-English (like English, but you catch only the meaning), the streets are so full of homeless people that you want to run to the other side. The women here are fat and languid. A large number of beggars with glassy eyes, who try to tell about their miserable life, and others, more enterprising, to sell a wooden stick, a spoon or some other "value" of dubious quality. And it "smells" of sewage, but it is brightened up by kind people (although you can meet different people), Bob Marley-style music and the ubiquitous aroma of marijuana.

If we briefly describe our feelings about Belize, they are unambiguously thrashy: a beggarly country with insane prices. So, accommodation in a guesthouse costs 40$. Here you and a shower over a push and a hole in the field. They don't want to bargain and are surprised if you do. The country does not produce anything (they grow bananas, oranges, sugar cane), survives at the expense of tourism. But the level of tourism is very questionable and suspicious. There is really nothing to do in the country itself, especially with a child. Nature - yes, it's pretty, but just passing by and through the bus window.

We did not check, but we will tell yours: Belize is famous for its barrier reef and islands, where people come for diving and snorkeling (snorkeling). And also the famous "blue hole" (Great Blue Hole) - a large blue hole with a diameter of 305 meters, going to a depth of 120 meters. This place became famous thanks to the French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who included it in the list of 10 best places in the world for diving. This is the end of my narration about Belize.

At the end of my story I want to say one thing: Central America is amazing, interesting, full of adventures and discoveries. But it is better to come here yourself and see for yourself!

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