The state insurance funds operate on the principle of solidarity: the funds contributed by all participants in the insurance system are added up and distributed among the funds in equal shares. If this amount is insufficient for a particular fund, all its clients have to pay an additional fee: minimum 8 euros, maximum 1.9% of income per month. You cannot refuse to pay the surcharge, but you can terminate your contract early and change your insurance fund. In other cases, you can switch to another insurance company not earlier than 18 months after signing the contract.
There are 41 private insurance companies in Germany, the largest ones are Debeka, Deutsche Krankenversicherung, Axa, Allianz Private Krankenversicherung, Signal Iduna. The disadvantage of such insurance is that you have to buy it separately for each family member, but the advantages are more: extended coverage (teeth whitening, purchase of contact lenses, etc.), the ability to see doctors who accept only clients of private insurance companies, and to visit narrow specialists without long waiting times. Having private insurance is beneficial while you are single, young, healthy and earning a lot (its cost is not linked to income, which is attractive for those with high salaries), but as you get older or have a child/unemployed spouse, it can put a hole in your budget.
Before deciding to buy, it is worth thinking about plans for the future: you can return to the state fund only if at least a year of income will be below the established limit.
What is supplementary insurance
The client of the state fund can enter into a private contract that provides for the payment of services that are not covered by the main policy. For example, dental treatment, caregiver services, etc. In this case, the income can be any, it does not affect the ability to take out insurance.