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London is the capital: how to get a British visa?

"How to get a visa to the UK" - this question consistently holds the first place among the questions tripmydream tech support receives. What documents are required, how long to wait, what can be the reasons for refusal and dozens of other questions trouble the minds of travelers.
10 october 2019
3 min

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According to the European Pravda rating , Ukraine ranks third among European countries in terms of the number of applications for a British visa. Unfortunately, 13% of citizens are refused. Often the reason for refusal is poor preparation. Therefore, our team decided to collect all the information on this issue and dot all the i's.

Types of visas:

Since 2015, all types of tourist visas have been replaced by one - Standard Visitor (visitor visa).

Photo author - mohamed mahmoud hassan

The stages of obtaining a British visa:

Let's cheer you up right away: handwritten questionnaires were abolished back in 2008, now the whole application procedure is done electronically on the VISA4UK website.

1. Questionnaire

In the questionnaire, you indicate the purpose of your trip, type (General Visitor, Sports Visitor, Child Visitor, Family Visitor, Business Visitor, Entertainer Visitor, Prospective Entrepreneur, Private Medical Treatment Visitor, Approved Destination Status) and sub-type of visa ( 6 months, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years).

2. Paying the consular fee

You must now pay the consular fee by entering your card details in WorldPay. The fee for a standard visa for up to 6 months is now £95.

3. Document collection

You can always see the exact list of all the documents you need here.

Photo author - jarmoluk

The standard set of mandatory documents looks like this:

  • passport;
  • printed questionnaire;
  • a bank statement on the availability of money on the account;
  • bank statement about the movement of money on the account;
  • a certificate from work about salary accrual for the last six months;
  • for FOP - certificate of registration and a certificate from the tax office about income for the last six months;
  • if the trip is paid by another person - you need to provide all the same documents proving his solvency.


  • round-trip air tickets and hotel reservation;
  • printed receipt of payment;
  • obligatory translation of all above mentioned documents
  • original birth/marriage certificate;
  • real estate ownership documents;
  • travel plan in English.

4. Choosing the date and time to visit the British visa center

Look for contacts on the official websites of British embassies in your city. As a result you will receive your GWF code.

5. Track the status of your application

Register at uk.tlscontact.com. There it will be convenient to track where your application stands.

Usually the processing time is 2-3 weeks.

6. Visit to the UK visaapplicationcenter

Next is to arrive at the UK Visa Application Center with your printed application form and GWF code. This is where you are photographed and biometrics are taken.

Accelerated consideration will cost you approximately 400 euros. In this case the decision will be made in a week.

You can book a hotel in the UK with a discount of up to -65% on the website.


In the process of preparing this article, we asked our subscribers about their experience with a British visa and here is what they told us:

Larissa (@larysavolk) said that everything went smoothly thanks to a full set of documents, a good visa history and the presence of a British visa for her spouse.

Anastasia (@traveling_sparrow) emphasized: "The main thing is to have a good bank reference with a normal amount of money!" So don't neglect it.

There is a debate on the internet whether airline tickets and hotel reservations are needed or not. Based on the experience of our travelers, the answer is that they are Necessary.

Daria (@dariabotchenko), for example, traveled for a month for language courses. The English school issued her an invitation and she did the visa application on her own. Since she was a student, full documentation was needed for her father, who sponsored the trip, and all the real estate (even the garage). What is interesting is that her brother with a full set of documents was refused. Daria suspects the reason for this is his clean passport. She had a Polish and Czech Schengen at the time, and a study visa to Spain.

As you have seen for yourself, the process of obtaining a British visa is not as scary as the visa center intermediaries present it to us. The key to success is careful preparation of all the necessary documents, a clear purpose of the trip and confidence in success!

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