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Sex on an airplane: myth or reality

Movies and TV series have romanticized passion on board as much as possible, so it's no wonder that sex on an airplane is one of the most popular fantasies of men and women.
11 february 2021
6 min

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The very idea of making love where there is no place for privacy and where there is a huge risk of being caught, is insanely exciting for those who are bored with sex on ironed sheets.

But is it realistic to realize an intimate dream in the sky? Everyone who has ever been in a restroom on board will agree: it's a challenge with an asterisk or even two. Together with Dolphi, we've looked into whether it's real and are ready to share our findings.

"I have visited 102 countries, 50 of them together with my girlfriend, and, of course, we have repeatedly joked about sex on the airplane, say, we should still try it. But damn, how can it be done in a restroom? My height is 199 cm and I can hardly fit in there by myself!", - Artem, a former traveler, told us.

And a Ukrainian stewardess with eight years of experience is sure that only acrobats who took gold at the European Games can take someone in the restroom on board. The woman claims she has never caught anyone in the hot seat.

But at the same time, there are articles on foreign websites at least a couple times a year about Jessica and Robert who have done it on an airplane, and their videos have garnered millions of views on YouTube. Now let's think about Julia and Peter or Nastya and Sasha who did the same thing but didn't get burned. They all made it to the famous Mile High Club.


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Mile High Club

You probably know about this notorious organization. The Mile High Club is a legendary club (which does not exist in reality) whose members are people who have had sex at altitudes greater than one mile (1.6 km).

Its founder and first member was American pilot Lawrence Sperry. In 1916, the aviator could not resist the charm of his companion and completely forgot about the control. As a result, the airplane fell on the water, but, fortunately, no one was hurt, as it was a seaplane, capable of taking off and landing on the water surface. It is said that it was the desire to do in the sky, whatever the soul and body wish, that pushed the famous pilot to invent the autopilot.

Lawrence got the sharpest pleasure from aviosex and shared the impression with his pilot friends. They, too, wanted to try it to see if Sperry was embellishing. And so, in fact, the famous private club was formed.


What to do if you want to become a member of Mile High Club, but you don't have a soulmate yet? The Wingman app - the same as Tinder, but for higher altitudes - can help you find a companion for sky sex. It's easy to figure out: you need to create a profile, upload a photo, specify your name, occupation, flight number and air carrier. You also need to select the purpose of the flight, specify whether you are traveling or on a business trip.

The application will show you which of the registered users are traveling on the same flight and are ready to chat during the flight or do something even more exciting.

Privacy and punishment

"Look, we've got two people secluded in the restroom. Let's congratulate them when they come out," a senior flight attendant addressed the passengers in the seats. When the couple came out of the restroom, the crew applauded loudly as they opened the champagne. "On behalf of the entire crew, we would like to congratulate you on joining the Mile High Club!" - the airline staff trolled the eager travelers.

The incident was told to the Daily Mail by a former flight attendant. According to her, the girl who came out of the restroom looked embarrassed and her companion was afraid they would be reprimanded for having sex on the plane. These heroes of the flight were not punished, but not always such things end with a happy ending.

What is an adventure for a couple, is very likely to be regarded as hooliganism or violation of civil order. This can result in a substantial fine, and in some countries correctional labor or even imprisonment for up to 3 months. Having sex in front of children under the age of 16 can also be a criminal offense. How will the police know about passion on an airplane? The flight attendant has every right to report the situation to the dispatcher of the airport of arrival. And then there will be police and tedious proceedings waiting for travelers on arrival. Each airline, by the way, punishes in its own way.

Carriers of Muslim countries, for example, Fly Dubai or Qatar Airways do not forgive such antics of passengers. If caught, they will be imprisoned for up to 3 months.

Those caught having sex in a British Airways or Finnair restroom face fines or correctional labor (usually 100 hours). Passengers who are also drunk or under the influence of drugs can face up to 3 months in prison.

Other disadvantages of having sex on an airplane

  • Needless to say, the airplane bathroom is full of bacteria. <You can, of course, try to call Mr. Propper, but we are not sure that he is not afraid of heights.
  • Nobody canceled turbulence, so there is a risk not only to hit, but also to be scared half to death at the most piquant moment.
  • A stewardess can witness a passionate encounter. If no one leaves the toilet for 15 minutes, the flight attendant has every right to open the door from the outside.

How not to get caught?

The tripmydream team has 18 people who, before the quarantine, flew more often than poplar fluff in July, and all of them claim that in the airplane no-no. But at the same time, Andrei and Zhenya have acquaintances who tried it and didn't get caught. You know what those people have in common? Not only the spirit of adventurism and amazing flexibility, but also a great financial situation. They were able to fulfill their sexual fantasies in the lavatory on board business class.

A study by Thrillist suggests that the most suitable flights for sex on board are international overnight flights, short day flights and short overnight flights. And here's why.

International night flights

The Airbus A340s or Boeing 747s that frequent these routes have restrooms not only in the front and tail, but also near the wings.

If you book seats closer to the restrooms in the center of the plane, you may be able to sneak in unnoticed. Passengers will start getting ready for bed, and flight attendants will go less often, less often and less often. And then, as they say, the board falls asleep - a couple wakes up.


Short day flights (e.g. between European countries)

This option is more complicated. In order for two people to get to the restroom on such a flight, you need to have acting skills no worse than DiCaprio's.

So, lovers are advised to maximize the rights dopodobno portray a quarrel (someone offended will close in the toilet, and the second will come in to beg forgiveness, for example). It can also work when one of them gets sick and the other one goes into the restroom to help.

Short overnight flights

On an airplane that takes off at night and lands the next morning, it is also realistic to have sex. If the cabin is not very full and the three-seat line is free, you can make an improvised bed, lie down with the other half and cover yourself with a travel plaid. Whether they catch you or not depends on the couple's dexterity. After all, it is no secret that the sleep of passengers on board is far from being as sound as that in bed 5 minutes before the alarm clock.

What it takes to have sex at altitude

Sex on board is a difficult but doable task. We, of course, do not agitate to make love in the airplane, but just in case we will leave here the advice of heavenly lovers, those from the business class.

  • Applications for dating in the sky is, of course, ok, but with a stranger to get involved in such a scam is three times riskier. Another thing is a partner dear to your heart, time-tested, who understands you with half a word and half a look.
  • When going on a trip, don't forget to take Dolphi condoms with you.
  • Don't forget about preparation. Start turning each other on while still in the seats. Sitting around without pants is hardly a good idea. Get aroused verbally or through touch.
  • Choose clothes for the flight that are quick to take off and put on.
  • Accept in advance that it won't be the best sex of your life, but you'll definitely remember it.

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