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The 5 most dangerous countries for travelers

No matter how brave a traveler you are, there are countries on the world map that are worth exploring only theoretically. We have compiled a list of the 5 most dangerous countries in the world, whose tragic history and everyday life, alas, does not allow you to get to know them in person.
01 february 2019
5 min

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According to international reports, Sudan is a haven for terrorists who have fled other countries. The situation remains very tense in Darfur province, where ethnic cleansing continues. Many residents of the country are forced to emigrate to the neighboring state of Chad. There is a dispute between Sudan and South Sudan over the Abyei region, where a large amount of oil is produced.


Radicalized armed groups, which gained influence during the civil war, are active in Sudan. Most parts of the country are off-limits to tourists. Anyone who violates the ban may face any danger.

Sudan boasts beautiful beaches with golden sand on the Red Sea coast, but here it is highly undesirable for women without outerwear to show themselves on the beaches. In coastal waters there are pirate ships. However, there are desperate tourists who go to Sudan for the sake of the Pyramids of Meroë, the Nubian Desert, as well as the Marrah Mountains.


Yemen is the poorest state in the Arab world. A significant part of the territory is desert, unsuitable for farming or other activities. The main revenue item of the country's budget is income from oil and gas.


There are several dangers for tourists in Yemen:

  1. Very brutal laws that carry the death penalty for even minor violations.
  2. Yemen is the country with the largest number of weapons per capita.
  3. It is a safe haven country for Islamic separatists and terrorists from other countries.

Despite these dangers, some adventurous travelers come to Yemen for "Desert Manhattan" - the ancient city of Shibam, the historic city of Zabid, and the alien-looking Socotra archipelago.


Somalia is known as the land of pirates. Somalia has no central authority and the political situation is characterized as chaos. The civil war that has been going on since 1991 has divided the country into 5 independent territories (Somaliland, Puntland, Maakhir, Galmudug and Northern Somalia) that are ruled by paramilitary heads.


Somalia is the second most intolerant country in the world after North Korea. The majority of the population is Muslim, and the country is governed by Sharia law instead of secular laws. It is especially dangerous for women to be in Somalia.

From the tourist point of view Somalia is attractive with beautiful virgin beaches and places for diving. In addition to beaches in Somalia are of special interest are the caves of Laas Gaal, where almost in pristine condition preserved rock paintings aged 10 thousand years. However, travelers who find themselves here are exposed to threats of armed attack, kidnapping for ransom, bombing and capture by pirates. It is strictly forbidden for women to be unclothed on the beach.


In 2001, the Taliban regime was defeated in Afghanistan and the modern Republic of Afghanistan was established under the leadership of Hamid Karzai. But the Taliban militants are still hiding in the mountainous areas on the border with Pakistan. They constantly carry out armed attacks on allied troops and organize terrorist attacks.

The official authorities control only a small area around the capital Kabul.

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Afghanistan is very unsafe for tourists. It is a poor country with a large number of religiously intolerant people. Here you can get into the epicenter of an explosion or terrorist attack, become a victim of kidnapping or robbery.

Despite the constant wars, Afghanistan is a country with a rich history, and that is why it is attractive for tourists. There are many artifacts preserved here, collected for more than 5000 years of existence of civilization on this land. Unfortunately, during the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, several important historical sites were deliberately destroyed. Among them is the tallest Buddhist structure in the world, the Bamiyan sculpture. The Taliban declared it pagan and blew it up.


The ongoing civil war in Syria has collapsed the country's entire economy. Al-Qaida and IS groups are sneaking their influence in Syria by capitalizing on the civil war. The territory of Syria is the cradle of many great states of antiquity - Assyria, Phoenicia, Mesopotamia, Persia, the Arab Caliphate and others. Saladin and Alexander the Great left their traces on Syrian soil.


The most attractive from the point of view of tourism is the city of Damascus, the oldest capital in the world. Damascus has a well-preserved part called the Old City. Here are located ancient pre-Antique quarters, as well as the famous oriental market Hamidia and spice market Bzuria. The historic part of Damascus is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There are several dozen valuable architectural structures, including the Basilica of St. Zacharias (now a mosque) with the relics of John the Baptist.

Syria is also famous for its surviving Crusader castles built in the 12th and 13th centuries. The most famous castle, Krak de Chevalier, is in all history books. It is the most fortified fortification that no one has ever managed to take by storm.

All these countries are actually very beautiful, nature, some architecture, but the culture and laws leave much to be desired. Therefore, only lovers of thrilling adventures and the most avid travelers go there. We, in turn, advise you not to follow the thirst for thrills, but to explore other safer corners of our planet.

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