
How much does a vacation in China cost

tripmydream has calculated how much it would cost to travel to China.

Vacationing in China is generally affordable, with the average cost of a tour ranging from $800 to $1000 USD. Cheaper options are also available, although airfare costs can contribute to the overall price. The prices for tours to China vary depending on the time of year. You can learn more about vacation options in China for each season.

  • Travel to China costs on average 300-400 USD round trip;
  • Accommodation in China is inexpensive, with options available for as low as a penny. On average, you can expect to pay around 15-25 USD per night for a hotel or hostel in the local currency at the lowest exchange rate. Prices in good three-star hotels and above start from 50 USD and higher.
  • Catering in China varies depending on your choices but is generally affordable. For example, sausages and small snacks cost around 2.5 CNY, hearty simple dishes like dumplings are around 5 CNY, and rice with poultry, roasts, and other meat dishes range from 20 CNY.
  • Transportation in China is reasonably priced, with urban fares costing about 2-3 CNY and intercity fares varying based on direction, type, and distance. You can find more information about transportation in China here.

The cost of a vacation in China may also include numerous excursions, some of which may be included in the base tour package, while others require additional payment. Be prepared to add ticket fees to your trip's cost. Entrance fees to museums, temples, nature reserves, and amusement parks typically range from 25 to 200 CNY, with an average price of around 150 CNY.

Taking advantage of affordable tour prices in China can save you up to 300 USD per trip, which you can then comfortably allocate to entertainment.

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