
15 books for exciting couch travel

For all those who have travel plans, we suggest that you fly away to a book right now. We have prepared for you a selection of non-banal works, while reading which you will travel, even while sitting on your favorite sofa.
20 march 2020
5 min

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1. Peter Mayle, "A Year in Provence"

They did what millions dream of - they dropped everything and went to live in Provence. They bought a small farmhouse and started from scratch. New places, discoveries, unexpected adventures and a sea of funny situations - all this is Peter Mayle and his book "A Year in Provence". Perfect for those who dream of distracting themselves from the news.


2. Yoko Tawada "Night Train with Suspects"

This is the gripping story of a young Japanese dancer who tours Europe by train. New cities and new faces, unusual dreams and daydreams. You read it and dream of going on such a trip. At least some kind of a trip :)

3. Paul Bowles "Under the Cover of Heaven"

Paul Bowles is a famous American writer, composer and translator, who gave the world many interesting books, and the best of them is rightly considered "Under the Cover of Heaven". The novel tells about the journey of a young married couple in South Africa.


The author describes the unfamiliar and sometimes wild landscapes and local customs in a surprisingly subtle way. The book can safely be called a warning to all adventurers. Bowles writes about all the disadvantages of such adventures, as well as, at first glance, insignificant mistakes that can lead to a fatal finale. Still, a very exciting read!

4. John Krakauer's "Into the Wild"

Jon Krakauer is one of the world's most famous writers, and part-time mountaineer and journalist. And "Into the Wild" is his bestselling book based on real events.

This is the story of a young boy, Christopher McCandless, who left behind all his achievements and incredible prospects, gave up his money and set off on a long journey across America. The further Christopher traveled, the fewer signs of civilization there were.

Both the book and the movie based on it still inspire many to travel to Alaska, where the beautiful and dramatic climax of the story of the young romantic takes place.

5. Alex Garland's "The Beach"

The story of three young travelers who found a true paradise on earth. A picturesque lagoon, white and soft sand, warm sun, impressive waterfalls... what could be more beautiful?


6. John Steinbeck's Travels with Charley: In Search of America"

The most important task of a traveler is to decide where, on what and with whom to go. For the trip John Steinbeck chose America, he wanted to go on the truck "Rosinat", and to share all the joys and problems of the trip "invited" his faithful dog Charlie.

From New York to New Orleans, passing through Chicago and Texas, the inquisitive owner and his funny poodle overcame many difficulties, but in any unfamiliar place they felt at home.

7. Adrian Gill's "To All Four Sides"

Ordinary travel notes through the eyes of an extraordinary man. Witty British journalist and critic Adrian Gill looks for something in every country that no one before him has noticed.

So Japan, America, Africa, Scotland, Cuba and India - you'll see it from a totally unusual angle. And you'll definitely want to follow in the author's footsteps to see if he's right after all.

8. Rual Amundsen's "My Life"

This book should be read by everyone who is going on faraway expeditions. Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen will tell all about his incredible adventures at the North Pole and give advice on how to prepare for such journeys.

Interesting stories about the author's childhood and his first hikes will also be. Highly recommended.


9. Dave Metz "One Man, Two Dogs, and 600 Miles at the End of the World. A dangerous journey to follow a dream"

Once again, it's about traveling with your brothers lesser. Three months with two dogs across Alaska - this was the adventure Dave Metz decided to take on an expedition through one of the most remote and remote American states. The journey became one of the greatest of modern times. The way Dave literally fought for his life every day is admirable.

10. Greg Martinson "Three Cups of Tea"

One person can change the world for the better, and the story called "Three Cups of Tea" never fails to convince you of that.

In memory of his dead sister, Greg Martinson decides to take a desperate step - to conquer the most difficult mountain in the world K2, which is also called the "killer mountain".


Just a couple of days spent in the middle of nowhere in a Pakistani village, turned the hero's ideas about life upside down.

11. Orhan Pamuk "Istanbul. City of Memories"

In this melancholy work, Istanbul appears in a mysterious and beautiful light with the imprints of the former greatness of the times of the Ottoman Empire. Recounting his childhood and youth, the writer reveals Istanbul as a mystery to be known and loved.

12. Bill Bryson's "Made in America"

This is an informative book from one of the best modern English-speaking popularizers of science and travel. The author reveals the history of America's development from the first colonies to the present day and reflects the everyday life of the USA with the help of excellent humor.

13. Karin Muller "The Taste of Coca Leaves"

In this book, the writer vividly describes the original and amazing world of South America with its history, interesting traditions, and charismatic people. The main character is a positive, strong, purposeful woman who overcomes incredible challenges on the way to her dream. Read in one breath, you'll love it.

Photo author - roman_lazygeek

14. Erlend Louw "The Best Country in the World"

The main character is commissioned to write a non-boring travel guide to Finland. The young man has never been to this country and enthusiastically takes up the task. In the course of his work, he encounters facts that turn his idea of such a seemingly calm and quiet Finland upside down.

15. Thor Heyerdahl's "Kon-Tiki"

In this book, Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl recounts his iconic rafting expedition across the Pacific Ocean. About this great adventure is legendary, but a hundred times more interesting to learn everything firsthand. By the way, the author's memoirs have been translated into more than 70 languages.


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