
Mamma Mia: Top 20 Attractions of Italy

Blooming valleys, luxurious palaces, Gothic architecture, lush vineyards, beautiful resorts - all of this is about the homeland of pizza and opera - amazing Italy. Today, let's talk about which locations are worth visiting if you've been lucky enough to win a ticket and find yourself in Italian embrace.
03 june 2024
AUTHOR: Kybukevykh Khrystyna
11 min

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Kybukevykh Khrystyna
editor tripmydream

Colosseum, Rome

If all roads lead to Rome, then all roads in Rome lead to the Colosseum. Without a doubt, this is the main tourist attraction of the Italian capital.

After all, it is the Colosseum - the ancient, majestic amphitheater, which is not only an architectural wonder but also a witness to the heyday of the Roman Empire. Built over two thousand years ago, this huge amphitheater attracts millions of tourists annually. There are many reasons why it's worth visiting the Colosseum, and each of them contributes to understanding the layered history of this remarkable structure.

The Colosseum not only impresses with its ancient beauty but also functions as a museum, housing artifacts and exhibits related to the life of the empire. Visitors can see a collection of Roman sculptures, mosaics, ancient weapons, and much more.

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Vatican City, Rome

A state within a state, or the world's most famous enclave, is also located in the heart of the Italian capital. We're talking about the Vatican - the magnificent residence of the Pope.

Here, you can stroll through the famous Vatican Gardens and, on certain days, see the Pope with your own eyes, climb to the top of the dome of St. Peter's Basilica, visit the Sistine Chapel with its immortal frescoes created by Michelangelo, Botticelli, and other great painters.

The first landmark that guests are offered to visit is St. Peter's Basilica. The size of this building is striking right from the doorstep - 136 meters high, and the length of the main nave is 211 meters. But the main value here is the numerous sculptural and pictorial masterpieces created by the great masters of Italy, generously adorning the temple.

Milan Cathedral, Milan

Milan is known as the "fashion capital." Here are some of the most legendary fashion houses, a huge number of boutiques, and twice a year, the highly anticipated event - Milan Fashion Week.

However, besides numerous "fashion" merits, the beautiful Italian city has much to boast about to tourists. For example, here is the Milan Cathedral - a cathedral built in flamboyant Gothic style from white marble. The construction of the cathedral began in 1386, but it was not completed until the early 19th century. Dedicated to the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the cathedral is located in the heart of Milan and is its symbol.

This magnificent building contains many spires and sculptures, marble pointed towers and columns, connected by a large number of supports. The interior decoration of the temple is also impressive, as there are 3,400 statues in the cathedral alone.

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Villa Adriana, Tivoli

The luxurious villa, sprawling across 120 hectares in the small Italian town of Tivoli, is definitely worth the attention of travelers, as it is capable of taking one's breath away with just one glance.

Learning about the biography of the villa's owner - Emperor Hadrian, it becomes clear that this place was not chosen randomly. This ruler entered history as a wise philosopher, a connoisseur of painting and architecture. He himself participated in the development of many projects of that time, and in his later years decided to build a villa where one could resort to contemplation and the appreciation of beauty.

Picturesque alleys, flower beds, garden trees, ponds, and pools were arranged on the villa's grounds, numerous statues were erected. In addition to the emperor's chambers, houses for servants and guards, thermal baths, a theater, a maritime museum, a temple, and even an academy were built here. Not all of its grandeur has been preserved to this day, but many travelers still gather to see the parts of the complex that time has spared.

Lake Como

The area of this beautiful Italian lake is 146 square kilometers. But it is famous not only for its size but also for its incredibly romantic atmosphere, stunning views, and luxurious villas. It is on the shores of Lake Como that the wealthy from all over the world strive to buy a house to spend their days, sitting on an open terrace with a glass of wine and enjoying the beautiful view.

The atmosphere of this place calms and soothes. Thanks to its location in the foothills of the Alps, the area is protected from winds. It is the third largest lake in the country and the deepest in Europe, located at an altitude of 198 meters above sea level.

You can relax here both in winter and summer. Slow walks along the promenades and parks, or by water transport, will be especially pleasant. Small ships, boats, ferries, yachts, water taxis often ply the lake, on which you can go to any point of the lake.

Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence

Florence is one of the most famous and visited cities not only in Italy but also in the world, rightfully bearing the name "Cradle of the Renaissance." This city is considered the capital of arts, as the best sculptors, architects, artists, and writers worked here, invited by Cosimo de' Medici from all corners of Italy. Thus, thousands of priceless masterpieces appeared, which even centuries after their creation continue to amaze with their magnificence.

One of such works is the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore - the symbol of the Tuscan capital, which has been under construction for almost six centuries. No fewer than six architects contributed to this masterpiece during the Quattrocento. The temple is built in the form of a Latin cross, and the cathedral's clock has been ticking since 1443. Such landmarks cannot be found in Florence, and perhaps even in all of Italy.

Grand Canal, Venice

The Grand Canal is the most famous canal in Venice, although it is difficult to call it a canal in the classical sense: it is not an artificially created structure but a former shallow strait between two islands.

The canal runs through the entire city - its length is 3800 meters, the width varies from 30 to 70 meters, and the depth is about 5 meters.

The Grand Canal rightfully bears the title of the city's main "artery" and perhaps the most famous attraction of Venice. We recommend you to definitely rent any water transport (water tram, water taxi, or famous gondolas) and go for a walk accompanied by luxurious landscapes.

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Leonardo da Vinci Science and Technology Museum, Milan

Visiting this original museum complex, you will learn about many unusual technical inventions and scientific discoveries. The center is divided into several thematic departments: with working samples based on da Vinci's drawings, sketches, and projects of the ingenious master.

Examples of museum exhibits include a knight-robot that can move, a self-propelled cart, an 8-seat tank, a pyramidal parachute. As you know, some of Leonardo da Vinci's inventions were ahead of their time - their prototypes can be seen here. The interactive laboratories deserve a separate mention, where you will be invited to brew beer, make ink, and soap bubbles that cannot burst.

Mount Vesuvius

The most dangerous volcano in continental Europe, located in Italy. From a geological point of view, this volcano has existed for about 25,000 years. In 79 AD, Vesuvius gained grim popularity when its devastating eruption wiped several ancient cities off the face of the earth.

Vesuvius certainly has not the most favorable reputation, but if you find yourself in southeastern Italy, in Naples, do not miss the chance to visit this amazing place. The last time Vesuvius erupted was over 60 years ago, so now tourists can climb to its top, admire beautiful views, and imagine how formidable this mountain can be.

House of Juliet, Verona

This 13th-century building belonged to the Dal Cappello family (the prototype of the Capulets). Now it houses a museum whose exhibits echo the works of the Great Bard. In the courtyard of the house, a statue of the main character of Shakespeare's play was placed in 1972.

Soon, a rumor spread that rubbing the right breast of the sculpture would bring luck in love. Juliet endured such handling until 2014 when the figure, crumbling from hundreds of thousands of touches, was removed from sight, replaced by a copy.

Leaning Tower of Pisa, Pisa

Admit it, who among us hasn't heard of this Italian tower, which has been leaning for over 850 years?

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the world's most famous towers. And not so much because of its lace-like architectural achievements, although the latter are hard to dispute. But because of its lean, which now measures almost 5 meters from the vertical axis. It was said that this offspring was taking revenge for its aggrieved creator - an architect who wasn't paid. But it turned out to be simpler - the reason was a design error, a small foundation not accounting for the soft soil. But this is what brought unprecedented popularity to the tower, which now every traveler prefers to photograph.

Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc is not only the highest mountain in the Alps and the natural border between France and Italy but also the mecca of all mountaineers who want to make their first ascent to an altitude of about 5000 meters.

The peak reaches 4810 meters into the sky, and its length is about 50 kilometers. On the northern slope of Mont Blanc lies the Mer de Glace glacier. Around the mountain range runs the popular tourist route in the Western Alps called the "Tour du Mont Blanc," which can be completed in 7-11 days.

Mont Blanc is a center for mountaineering and mountain tourism, and at its foot lie the French resort of Chamonix and the Italian Courmayeur.

Positano, Salerno

You can combine cultural enrichment in Italy with relaxation on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea by visiting the cozy town of Positano.

Here, everything is gathered to call this place a paradise. On the streets, you can see numerous artists who, for a small fee, will paint a favorite portrait or landscape. The diversity of architectural styles is due to historical events that have taken place in this area over many centuries.

Thanks to the mild climate, starting from the first century AD, the city began to attract wealthy merchants and noble patricians who began to build stone villas here. Each era brought its own features to the architecture of the city, but the most luxurious buildings, executed in the Baroque style, appeared in the 13th century and have survived to this day. And Positano has been recognized as one of the best resorts in Italy.

Castle of Castel del Monte, Andria

The most famous medieval castle in the world, a ready-made set for movies about knights and beautiful women, is also worth visiting while traveling in Italy.

The Castle of the Mountain (as its name translates) from a bird's eye view looks like a white stone crown, crowning the rocky hill of a vast green plain. Local residents proudly and lovingly call the unusual octagonal castle the Crown of Apulia.

This unique historical and architectural monument of Southern Italy, for its perfection of form and harmonious fusion of elements of Northern European culture, the Muslim world, and classical antiquity, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1996.


Pompeii is a unique dead city, freed by scientists from a multi-meter layer of ash and a huge open-air museum.

The city was completely destroyed during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, about which we have already told you above, in 79 AD. Only seventeen centuries later did the excavation of the city begin.

Now visitors can freely stroll through the streets and examine the houses of the townspeople who lived here almost 2000 years ago. Most often, they are two-story buildings adorned with frescoes or mosaics. The houses of the wealthy were distinguished by the presence of marble sculptures on the facades. During the tour, tourists are offered to visit the oldest temple, created in honor of the Greek god Apollo. Of the 28 majestic columns, only 2 have been restored, but the beautiful frescoes depicting the Trojan War, discovered in the inner niches of the temple, have been preserved almost intact.

Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre is not just a village, but a whole national park located on the steep slopes of the sea coast. Here, five settlements with charming colorful houses, sprawling stone, pebble, and sandy beaches, lush vineyards, and historical sights operate. It's a wonderful place for a vacation, allowing you to combine beach relaxation with exploring interesting places.

Capri Island

Since the time of the Roman Empire, this island has been a favorite vacation spot for the rich and famous. It's not surprising, as every corner of the island is simply luxurious!

The beaches on the island are mostly pebbly and rocky, with the best ones located in Marina Piccola Bay. Among the attractions of Capri, the Blue Grotto is the most popular – a cave on the seashore. Once considered sacred, you can only enter it with a group, on a small boat. We recommend challenging yourself by walking along the Phoenician Steps, connecting two island towns. Not everyone can conquer the 921 steps carved right into the rock!

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Trulli, Alberobello

The cylindrical structures with cone-shaped roofs, for which this area is famous, are built without cement, using a dry stone construction method. They are interesting because they can be dismantled in an instant – by removing just one brick.

This was done to avoid property tax imposed by the kings of Naples in the second half of the 17th century. Hop! And there are no houses to be seen. Alberobello is the only city where an entire quarter of these deceptive houses has been preserved.

Sassi di Matera Cave City

In one of Italy's authentic regions, sunny Basilicata, there is a small town that captures the attention of travelers with its history and unique architecture. This ancient settlement is carved right into the rock, and just a few decades ago, it was still inhabited.

The whole town is an amazing labyrinth of narrow alleys, stone blocks, churches, cave temples, museums, cave houses, all set against beautiful natural landscapes. Every stone holds a rich history that began back in the Neolithic era.

Photo author - unitalia

Ski Resort Cortina

The highlight of a vacation in sunny Italy would be visiting a ski resort in Veneto. Cortina is the world's largest ski region, boasting an extensive system of snowy slopes where 450 lifts connect up to 12 Alpine valleys. Both experienced skiers and novice enthusiasts will find trails suited to their abilities here, while snowboard enthusiasts can test their skills in snow parks with varying levels of difficulty. Visitors can enjoy excellent service comparable in quality to resorts like Courchevel, Chamonix, and so on.

Using our website, tripmydream, you can find airline tickets starting from 15 EUR.

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