
Undiscovered Kyiv: 7 places of the capital that few people know about

Kiev is a real treasure trove of interesting places, many of which are unknown even to native Kievians. Today we tell you about 7 places you may not know about yet.
22 april 2020
4 min

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1. Kytaivo

A famous historical place in Kyiv, surrounded by untouched nature - dense forests and a cascade of lakes. Its history goes back to the distant XII century, when a fortress was built here. By the way, its ruins can still be seen on the territory of the protected area.

From more "modern" shrines - Holy Trinity Monastery (Kitaevskaya desert), restored in the 90's, and caves, similar to the caves of the Kyiv Lavra. But even those who are far from history or religion will be pleased to walk around these picturesque and peaceful places. Those who like to wander through the forest and ride a bicycle will also be delighted, so if you have a chance to come here on a bicycle - come and you won't regret it.

Lifehack: in the part of the forest, which is not far from the hospital GPS there are excellent forest slides and jumps for fans of extreme cycling.

Where is it located: 15 Kitaevska Street (you can get there by shuttle buses from metro stations "Vydubychi" or "Lybedskaya"). From the metro station "Lybedskaya" by shuttle buses №470 (stop "122nd school", №557 (stop before the crossing) or bus №52 (stop "122nd school"). From the metro station "Vydubychi" - route #567 or bus #43 to the stop "Korchevatoe".

2. Hidden lovers' alley

Not the most obvious place surrounded by very popular neighbors - Andreevsky Descent, Landscape Alley and Vozdvizhenka. The place is perfect for an escape from the tourist bustle of Andreevsky and a leisurely romantic stroll in the shade of the trees.

Where is it located: to get here, turn into the arch of the house No. 28 on Andreevsky Descent, or go down the stairs between the Museum of History and the Landscape Alley.

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3. Szczekawica

You've probably already been to Zamkova Mountain, so we recommend you to keep your course to Shchekavitsa. As you have already guessed, the mountain is named in honor of one of the founders of Kiev, Shchek. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, Prophetic Oleg was buried here.

Shchekavitsa offers a stunning view of Podil, so all your efforts in climbing the mountain will be rewarded.

Where is it located: from "Kontraktovaya Ploshad" metro station you need to walk along Nizhny Val Street and turn off near the OKKO gas station. Further on Lukyanivska Street go up to the Ar-Rahma Mosque and you are almost at the goal. Orient yourself to this point in Google Maps.

4. Ar-Rahma Mosque

On the way to Shchekavitsa you will definitely notice another object that many even native Kievians don't know about - Ar-Rahma Mosque. This is the first mosque in Kyiv, which was built in 2000 and designed by Ukrainian architect Alexander Komarovsky. The main building of the mosque can accommodate up to two thousand worshippers. The mosque and the minaret are beautiful both inside and outside.

You can book a hotel in Kyiv with a discount of up to -65% on the website.

People who do not practice Islam can also come in and see the courtyard and even the mosque itself, if there is no service going on. In addition, you will be met by an Islamologist who will tell you about this religion in an accessible and interesting way. We also advise you to approach the mosque in the evening: it is very beautifully illuminated.

Where is it located: 46 Lukyanovskaya Street (you can walk up or drive up from the side of Nizhniy Vala).

5. The sundial in Kyiv Mohyla Academy

If many people have heard about the famous courtyard with crows on Reytarska Street (unfortunately, a couple of years ago this fame led to an act of vandalism), not everyone knows about this original courtyard on Podol.

It is located in a secluded nook on the territory of Kyiv Mohyla Academy. You should go to the courtyard of the house No. 4 on Grigory Skovoroda Street (the entrance is either from the side of the house No. 5 or from Voloshskaya Street, if it is closed there). The courtyard is noteworthy because in the middle of it there is a working sundial, built back in the late 18th century by mathematician Pierre Brullion.

To understand what the trick is, come here on sunny days - this is the only condition for the clock to work.

Where is it located: Grigory Skovoroda Street, 4.

6. Kyiv Fortress

The fortress "Kosoy Kaponir" was built in the middle of the XIX century. In the old days, political prisoners were kept there, and now the fortress houses a museum.

In addition to its historical value, the fortress is also interesting for its territory. Now it is a favorite place for sunset meeting for Kyiv citizens - from here you can enjoy a really breathtaking view of the futuristic roof of the NSC Olimpiyskiy.

Where is it located: the fortress is hiding in the very center of the city among the new buildings of Pechersk at 24 Gospitalnaya Street. The most convenient way to get to it on foot is to follow Lesya Ukrainka Boulevard from Pecherska metro station down towards Palace of Sports metro station. Once on Lesya Ukrainka Boulevard, 14, turn into the courtyard - there is the central entrance to the fortress.

Working hours: Tues - Fri from 10:00 to 17:00, Sat - Sun from 10:00 to 16:00. Weekend - Monday.

7. Theophany

This place is well known to many, but just in case we will remind you. Clean, well-maintained, quiet park away from the city bustle - all this is about Feofania.

Where is it located: from metro stations "Hippodrome" and "VDNKh" you can get there by shuttle bus №548 to the final stop (Metrologicheskaya St.).


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