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Going to Thailand: 7 travel tips for travelers

Today, vacation in Thailand can afford many people - reasonable prices, lack of visas and a lot of opportunities for entertainment have long made this country one of the most popular destinations. And a few useful tips will help make your vacation even more comfortable.
19 february 2024
8 min

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Who is this article for?

  • For those who are going to visit Thailand for the first time and don't know where to start planning their trip;
  • for those who are traveling to Thailand but do not know what to expect from this country;

1. How to choose a time to travel?

When going to Thailand, it is worth remembering the peculiarities of the local climate: it is tropical, but the country is long from south to north, and therefore the weather in different parts of Thailand can differ significantly.

Panwa Beach in Phuket
Photo author - paul m

It is best to travel to Thailand from November to February-March. From May to November is the rainy season, but again, in different parts of the country it can be different: there are cases when tourists arrive at the height of summer and almost no rain.

From March to May it is not recommended to go to the central and northeastern part of Thailand, because at this time it is very hot: the temperature can rise to +40 ° C, can burn forests, and in the cities there is smog, because of which it is difficult to breathe.

The only thing to consider for those who are interested not only in beach, but also in sightseeing vacation: while in the southern and central parts of Thailand the temperature rarely drops below +25-30°C, in the north from November to February is much cooler. At night temperatures can drop to +10-15°C, so it is worth stocking up on warm clothes and taking this into account when choosing accommodation.

Chiang Mai Temples
Photo author - Marion

However, we advise you to bring at least a couple of warm clothes: it is usually very cold in buses, shopping centers and stores, as air conditioners work everywhere.

The most comfortable period for a vacation in Thailand - the winter months. For this reason, if you decide to go to Thailand in winter, it is worth worrying about tickets in advance, preferably several months before the proposed trip.

2. How to plan a trip and do I need a visa?

One of the most favorable ways to get to Thailand is to fly to Bangkok, from where you can already get to the coast and islands. Many people plan their trip in such a way that they fly to Bangkok (tickets usually cost from 750 euros round trip), spend a few days there, as it is one of the most interesting metropolitan areas in Asia, and then head towards the beaches. You can do this by domestic flights, or by bus or bus and ferry.

You can book a hotel in Thailand with a discount of up to -65% on the website.
Bangkok at night
Photo author - Keir Gravil

Flights to Pattaya, Phuket or Krabi are usually more expensive (from 850 euros round trip per person).

No visa is required for citizens of Ukraine for up to 30 days. You can use visa-free travel up to 2 times a year. But if you want to comfortably spend the winter or explore the country from A to Z, you will need a visa.

If you are going on vacation in Thailand for up to 30 days, it will be enough to have a valid biometric passport to cross the border with the country.

3. Rules of local etiquette

Perhaps the first thing that Thailand is interesting for tourists is the differences in lifestyle and traditions. But it can be a "spoonful of tar" in your Thai vacations, if you do not know at least the basic cultural features of the exotic country.

For example, in Thailand, it is not customary to speak loudly talking and gesticulating too much in public places, or even on the street. Locals may simply consider you unrestrained and ill-mannered subject. Will cause disapproval from the elegant Thais and excessive display of romantic feelings in public.

This rule applies to communication in general: the Thais are a very calm and reserved people. Any fussiness and aggression they simply do not understand, and therefore, even in conflict or controversial situations, it is recommended to adhere to an even tone and be respectful to the interlocutor.

It is also not worth touching the head or shoulder of another person, as it will be considered as an unfavorable sign (the head is considered a sacred part of the body among Thais).

Thai customs
Photo author - Tetsushi Kimura

It is customary for locals to remove their shoes when visiting temples and also when entering a house. You will show your respect for local traditions if you do the same. And if you decide to enter one of the temples (or any other shrine open to the general public), remember to dress appropriately: no exposed shoulders or legs for both women and men. Ladies should also avoid clothing with deep cleavage.

Buddhism is practiced in the country, hence another peculiarity of Thais - a very reverent, respectful attitude towards Buddha. Therefore, any offensive or disrespectful actions and gestures towards statues or any other images of the Great Enlightened One will be frowned upon. The same applies to the ruling royal dynasty of Thailand: any disrespectful attitude to their images (even on money) will definitely not favor you locals.

It is not customary in Thailand to treat our lesser brothers rudely - according to the canons of Buddhism, any life is considered sacred and animals are treated with the same respect as people.

4. Safety rules

Thailand, of course, is not a wild jungle, but even here you should remember about elementary safety rules, which will help to save your nerves and leave only the most pleasant impressions about the trip.

So, going for a walk (especially in large tourist cities), leave all valuables in the hotel safe. It is better to have only copies of your passport and insurance in case of police checks. Handbags, purses, and laptop cases are also better to keep with you.

If you are not going to check into a hotel, but to rent accommodation from a landlord, make sure that the person is reliable, as well as sign a rental agreement and take a receipt.

Be cautious about making new acquaintances, especially if it happens in nightclubs, cafes or bars. Cases of fraud and serious "scams" by residents of neighboring Vietnam or Cambodia pretending to be locals are not uncommon.

Bangkok nightlife
Photo author - Peter Korevaar

In many beach resorts there are quite loose morals - almost round-the-clock discos and bars, street food, cocktails with dubious composition, light drugs and other entertainment that make tourists go "into all the fun". We advise you to refrain from suspicious places, as among other things, such clubs are often raided.

The official penalty for drug use in Thailand is the death penalty, but most often tourists here get away with a lot. Also for any violations you have the right to fine and deport, but most likely they will just demand a bribe.

By the way, for tourists there is a separate tourist police, representatives of which speak English well, and to whom it is better to address in case of anything.

5. What do I need to consider?

Make sure you take out insurance before your flight. This is a universal advice that applies to everyone traveling to Asia. Firstly, because of unfamiliar food, there may be digestive problems. Secondly, sanitary norms in Thailand do not correspond to European ones. Third, even if you are only going to relax on the beach, then exotic insects, animals and local diseases no one canceled. Going to these lands, many people ask about malaria - well, it is practically not found here, but the risk of contracting, say, Dengue fever, which is carried by mosquitoes, is not excluded.

However, one of the most common insurance claims in Thailand is for injuries caused by falling off a bike. Before renting, consider whether you are confident in your abilities, or whether you would rather travel in a more traditional way.

Make a copy of your passport in advance - this is often needed to rent a car or even a bike. For some reason they don't usually ask for a license for rentals, but if you are stopped by the police and it turns out you don't have one, you can get a fine.

Rent a bike in Thailand
Photo author - Keith Marriott

If you are going to Thailand for a long time - for a vacation for several weeks or going to winter here, it is better to get a local SIM card (costs about $4).

6. Getting to know the country

Thailand - a real treasure trove for travelers, so much here is interesting and unusual. In addition to the bizarre architecture of Thai temples and shrines, you should also appreciate its other beauties.

For example, in the Nong Nuch Orchid Park in Pattaya, besides these fragile beautiful flowers you can also see colorful tropical butterflies and birds, admire the delicate work of gardeners in the bonsai park and exquisite geometric designs in the flowerbeds of the French Park. This is the Big Buddha Hill with an impressive statue on its top, and Ko Lan Island - a real corner of paradise on earth with clear azure water and white sandy beaches. You can get into the spirit of Thai culture in the magnificent, covered with carvings Temple of Truth, and fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of the Thais can be on the floating market of Pattaya - even if you do not intend to buy anything, a simple walk around this colorful place will bring a lot of impressions.

Floating market in Pattaya
Photo author - Sectional Claire

In Bangkok, don't forget the majestic Royal Palace and the tranquil Wat Pho and Emerald Buddha temples with their colorful, whimsical statues and rich decorations. And if you're not afraid of heights, you'll be treated to a breathtaking panorama of the night capital: the city, playing with millions of lights, can be seen from the observation deck on the 84th floor of the Baiyoke Sky Hotel.

In Phuket you should definitely visit the Phuket Fantasy Park, where you will not only be told but also shown the whole history of Thailand better than any guidebook and guide: the park has houses, palaces and temples of different epochs of Thai history, and entertainment (like elephant show) will not leave anyone indifferent.

7. Thai cuisine: Taste of Thailand

Your impression of Thailand will be incomplete if you do not try at least a few dishes of local cuisine. Thai chefs take a very responsible approach to the process of not only cooking, but also the choice of ingredients, so you can be calm for the gastronomic and aesthetic component. Interestingly, in 2017, 17 restaurants in Bangkok received Michelin stars.

And street food is a separate attraction in Thailand: unusual, colorful and delicious!

Street food in Thailand

Be sure to try such traditional masterpieces as fried rice with seafood, vegetables and egg, the famous outside Thailand Tom Yam Kung (spicy and hearty soup with shrimp and coconut milk), Som Tam salad with green papaya and shrimp, red curry with shrimp and jasmine rice or Yam Sam Krop salad with fried seafood with cashews, apples, vegetables and herbs. For sweets, sweet rice with mango and coconut milk (Khao Niow Mamuang), Roti pancakes with banana and chocolate or coconut ice cream.

Enjoy your trip!

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