How much does it cost to vacation in Porto

Find out how much a vacation to Portugal will cost you.

Prices for a Vacation in Porto

You'll have at least four expense items: airline tickets, accommodation, transport, and meals. Do the math for yourself on the price of a Porto vacation:

If you use an online service and book air tickets several months in advance, you can get 350-450 EUR round trip.

The average cost of accommodation in Porto hotels is 30-60 EUR. If you rent a bed in a hostel, you can afford 10-12 EUR. For apartments, you'll have to pay around 25-30 EUR per night.

Renting a car will cost from 15-25 EUR per day. A bus ticket costs 1.80 EUR.

Dining in Porto is inexpensive. The average price of a dinner for two in a cafe or restaurant is 25-30 EUR.

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