Car rental in Da Nang

If you want to feel free on vacation and drive around the area, rent a car.

During the peak season, traffic in Da Nang can be busy and chaotic. Therefore, it's important to carefully consider renting a car in Da Nang. Local companies offer car rentals with chauffeurs, allowing you to rent a car in Da Nang without a deposit.

Car rental prices in Da Nang can vary, starting from 500,000 VND per day, depending on the vehicle class. While there are options for cheap car rentals in Da Nang from local companies, choosing these might entail the risk of getting a faulty car that you could be liable for repairs.

For a budget-friendly car rental in Da Nang, experienced tourists recommend considering moped rentals. Mopeds are a cost-effective way to get around the city, typically costing less than VND 180,000 per day.

When renting a car 24 hours a day in Da Nang, it's essential to be aware of traffic laws. Local authorities often issue fines for driving without a Vietnamese license. Within the city, the speed limit is generally 30-40 km/hour, while outside the city, it increases to 80 km/hour. Both driving too fast and too slow can attract police attention.

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