
How much will it cost you to stay in Mayrhofen?

We can help you calculate an estimated budget for your trip to Mayrhofen.

The prices for accommodation in Mayrhofen can be quite economical. To understand how much it costs to stay in Mayrhofen, you can calculate the average costs. A hotel will cost you 50-200 EUR for one night.

There is a good meal for about 20-50 EUR per day, if you do not focus on the delicacies in the most expensive restaurants. Car rental, ski equipment rental, skiing lessons - add about 50-100 EUR for all this.

Rental accommodation in Mayerhofen

If you do not plan such things, the cost of accommodation in Mayrhofen will be within 1000 EUR per week in the most economical variant. Of course, if you're going to do some shopping or sightseeing in the neighboring mountains, add another 300-500 EUR to your expenses.

If you're looking for cheap accommodation in Mayrhofen, it's entirely possible. There are cheap hotels, discounts on ski passes and other convenient options.

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