
Weather in Bruges

Find out what the weather is like in Bruges during different seasons and when is the best time to go on vacation to this city.

The weather in Bruges has a cool reputation. July, August, and September are considered the warmest months. However, even during these months, Bruges typically experiences temperatures not exceeding +21ºC. Moreover, July and August are known to be the rainiest months, with precipitation levels ranging from 60 to 75 mm.

December is another month with a significant amount of precipitation. In the first month of winter, the weather forecast for Bruges typically predicts at least 78mm of rainfall. The only positive aspect is that December is the warmest month of winter, with temperatures in Bruges averaging around +8ºC for the week.

In January and February, the weather in Bruges sees temperatures dropping to an average of +6ºC for five days or more. These winter months are also characterized by strong winds in the city. In December, wind speeds can reach up to 7.2 meters per second. Therefore, it's important to carefully consider whether it's worth visiting Bruges during the Christmas and New Year holidays. Although weather conditions are not a significant deterrent for tourists, it's worth noting that the winter vacation period is not the most budget-friendly time to visit Bruges.

If you're looking for a vacation with sunny days, consider packing your bags for a trip in March and April. During these months, the weather in Bruges is sunny for at least 14 days a month, lasting for 3 days or more. Daytime temperatures typically range between 9-12ºC, while nighttime temperatures are around 5-7ºC. These conditions make it an excellent choice for a vacation in Bruges.

September is an ideal month to visit Bruges in terms of weather. During this time, the air temperature averages around 18ºC, and the water in the North Sea remains relatively warm at 17ºC.

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