Restaurants and cafes in Rio de Janeiro

We have gathered information for you about the best restaurants and cafes in Rio. Now you'll know where to go for lunch!

Rio de Janeiro offers a diverse culinary experience that caters to the preferences of every tourist. You can savor a blend of both traditional Brazilian and European cuisine here.

In the heart of the city, you'll find the renowned restaurant

Café Gaúcho

(R. São José, 86), offering a wide selection of meat dishes, with favorites like pork ribs in spicy sauce and local Pernil sandwiches.

If you're craving oriental cuisine, Rio de Janeiro's finest option is Asia, a restaurant that evokes the ambiance of a Turkish sultan's palace.

When it comes to dining in Rio de Janeiro, the most expensive options are often found in restaurants associated with upscale hotels. Take, for instance, Carretao, where a single cup of instant coffee will set you back 15 BRL.

On the other hand, MARIUS, located at 290 Atlantica, boasts an outstanding reputation with highly favorable reviews on travel forums. The unique feature here is the fixed entrance fee of 250 BRL, allowing you to indulge in an all-you-can-eat experience. A tempting spread of salads and cold appetizers awaits you at the buffet table. Additionally, when you take your seat, the attentive waiter will serve you cocktails and hot dishes, giving you the freedom to sample or save as you please.

Enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of the city and bay at Real Astoria (Av. Repórter Nestor Moreira, 11 - Botafogo). In the evening, the ambiance is set with relaxing music, candlelit tables, and a magnificent view of the city lights and Guanabara Bay for guests to savor.

For budget-friendly dining in Rio de Janeiro, look no further than the Churrascaria chain. You'll pay for your main course, desserts, and beverages, while everything else, including meats, fish, salads, appetizers, and seafood, is available in unlimited quantities on the tables for you to enjoy at no additional cost!

Along Rio de Janeiro's coastline, you'll find some of the city's finest cafes, with one every 30 meters. These cafes offer a delightful experience with flavored Brazilian coffee and the chef's signature desserts. The best part is that prices at Rio de Janeiro's cafes are quite reasonable, with a standard coffee and dessert combo costing around 13 BRL.

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