Public transportation in Sunny Beach

The cheapest way to travel in Sunny Beach is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

City transportation

Transportation in Sunny Beach is mainly represented by buses. The buses not only allow you to get around the city, but also to visit neighboring towns. Buses adhere to the schedule and are air-conditioned, however, they do not run at night, and during rush hours they are crowded. The price for public transportation in Sunny Beach depends on the distance and varies from 1 to 5 BGN.

Sunny Beach public transportation is also represented by a rather exotic mode of transportation - tourist trains with steam trains. There are now two routes covering almost the entire town. The ride will cost you 3 BGN per person one-way, children's tickets cost 1 BGN, and kids under 7 years old ride for free.

Transportation options

Despite the existence of a cab service in Sunny Beach, we advise tourists to use cab services in exceptional cases. There are too many complaints about fraud and deception of passengers.

Cab in Bulgaria

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