Basic information about Varna

Everything a tourist needs to know about Varna: historical past, location of the city, what kind of vacation you can expect from the resort, and much more.

Varna is a major resort town on the Black Sea coast in Bulgaria. Thousands of tourists from all over the world come here every year. And the city itself is developing its tourist industry every year, while preserving its values and attractions.

A major port is located within the city limits. Despite this, Varna remains a great place for summer vacations at the sea.

History of the city

In the VII century BC on the territory of modern Varna ancient Greeks founded the fortress Odessos. In the III century BC the fortress was captured by the Macedonians, and then passed into the possession of the Roman Empire. This was one of the periods of prosperity of the settlement.

In the 7th century Varna is first mentioned in Byzantine chronicles. At this time, the city is already part of the Bulgarian Empire.

In the first and second world wars, the city was severely damaged. And since 1949 it was called Stalin. The modern name was returned to the city only in 1956.

Sea view, Varna

Climate of Varna

Varna can safely be classified as having a Mediterranean climate. There is no searing heat in summer, and the large park areas are a haven for those who want to walk in the shade.

In summer, the air warms up to +28°C and the water to +24°C. Rainfall is rare, mainly in the early part of the season.

Beach Vacation in Varna

The beaches of Varna are mostly sandy, with a comfortable entrance to the sea. The most popular beaches in the city are Southern and Officers'. But despite their popularity, the beaches are never crowded.

Infrastructure here is well developed:

  • Almost every beach has sun loungers and umbrellas for rent.

  • There are plenty of cafes and restaurants near popular beaches.

  • In Varna, as in other Bulgarian resorts, you can find both equipped and "wild" beaches.

Lodging in Varna

Varna is a large city, so it's easy to find accommodation that suits you. Depending on your preferences and budget, you can choose an apartment or a luxury hotel with a swimming pool.

Many tourists who come to Varna on vacation fall in love with the city so much that they decide to move here permanently.

Assumption Cathedral, Varna, Bulgaria

Where to go and what to see in Varne

No one will be bored in Varne, the city has a variety of entertainment and leisure options.


Fans of antiquity and beautiful buildings will enjoy a stroll around the city. After all, there are sights to visit here:

  • diverse museums;

  • Necropolis;

  • Ancient Roman baths.

The special adornment of the city is the Dormition Cathedral, which has preserved many beautiful frescoes and icons. On holidays, a Bulgarian men's choir sings here.

Varna has many beautiful parks where you can shelter from the sun or have a picnic. Many of the parks are close to the beaches.

Special attention should be paid to the Asparuhov Bridge, the longest bridge in Bulgaria. It connects Varna Lake and the Black Sea, as well as the city itself.

Varna Lake attracts not only with its beauty. Here you can go fishing or get healthy. The lake is rich in therapeutic mud.

Shopping and entertainment center in Varna

Entertainment for children

Your child will definitely not get bored in Varna. The city has a lot of options for leisure activities for children.

  • You can go to the local zoo or aquarium.

  • You can watch dolphins perform at the Dolphinarium, which is located in Seaside Park.


You can escape the heat not only in parks, but also in shopping centers. Varna has a large selection of clothing stores with famous brands.

Varna is a resort where everyone can find something to do. You can get away from the crowds or immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a big tourist city.

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