How much does a vacation in Denmark cost

tripmydream has calculated how much it would cost to travel to Denmark.

The basic cost of a vacation in Denmark It's worth including flights, accommodation and meals. This is the bare minimum on which you you need to base your travel budget on.

1. Airfare: The average cost of airfare to and from Denmark is 165 EUR.

2. Accommodation: Prices for a night in a hotel during a vacation in Denmark start from 50 EUR. However, you can find cheaper accommodation if you look for a hostel or a room in one of the small private hotels.

3. Dining: The price of a meal for one person in Danish restaurants starts from 10 EUR.

Prices for tours to Denmark are usually higher in the summer, from June to the end of August. This is when the country's high season begins. Prices also increase slightly around Christmas. The average cost of a tour to Denmark starts from 500 EUR. Hot tours to Denmark can be found at a lower price.

The tripmydream service will help you find the best tour to Denmark at a price that suits you.

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