Weather in Biarritz

When is the best time to go to Biarritz? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.


The summer months in Biarritz are not like the "high season" in Turkey, Egypt or Cyprus. Here there is no extreme heat. In June, the air is still quite cool: the thermometer rarely passes the +20°C mark. In July-August this indicator rises to +22-24°C. Sunny and cloudy days are about 50/50, so it's a good idea to check the weather forecast for Biarritz for 5-10 days before you go, and you may need to bring a light windbreaker and umbrella.

A panorama of Biarritz in summer


The city's velvet season is short by resort standards. You can only catch really warm days in early September. The weather in Biarritz for the first week of the month is more like summer. But literally by the end of the month the classic fall comes into its own. The average temperature in October is +19.5°C, and in November it is only +14°C. Is it worth going to Biarritz at this time? Of course. Firstly, in order to admire the nature, dressed in the golden clothes of fall. And secondly, to recover in one of the local thalassotherapy centers. After all, Biarritz is primarily a balneological resort, not a beach resort.

Biarritz in early October


Although there is no distinct rainy season in Biarritz, it is during the winter months that rainfall is most common. Downpours are heavy but short-lived. Winter in Aquitaine is mild, with the thermometer rarely dropping below +6-7°C, even at night. The sun rarely shines, and the 14-day weather forecast for Biarritz is mostly cloudy, with strong winds in December.

Biarritz in winter


Spring is beautiful in Biarritz. If you're planning a trip to the resort in March, monitor the weather in Biarritz every 3 days - winter may want to remind you of itself with unpleasant lingering rain. But in April and May the air warms up to a comfortable +15-17°C, and cloudy days give way to clear and sunny ones.

Beach in Biarritz in spring

When is it cheaper to go to Biarritz?

The most economical vacation on the Silver Coast is possible in the "low season": November, the winter months and the first half of March. Temperatures are not suitable for sunbathing and swimming in the ocean, but you can devote your time to your health, as well as leisurely walks along the coast, sightseeing and exciting excursions around the region.

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