Basic information about New Delhi

The city's past and present.

New Delhi is the official capital of India. The population of New Delhi, according to various estimates, averages 300 thousand people (for comparison - in the entire metropolis of Delhi live about 20 million people).

capital, New Delhi, India

New Delhi is situated in northern India along the banks of the Yamuna River. The capital city of India was established relatively recently, in 1911, when the authorities made the decision to relocate the capital from Calcutta to Delhi.

Over time, new administrative buildings and embassies from various nations started to emerge here, solidifying New Delhi's status as the true capital city.

Lakshmi Narayan Temple

Naturally, New Delhi didn't spring up out of nothing. The modern capital of India encompasses the territory of seven ancient cities, making it particularly captivating for travelers. In New Delhi, you can encounter not only the country's governmental hub but also remnants of bygone eras.

For those who have previously explored India, New Delhi stands out for its architectural style, which differs from that of other Indian cities (as the city was designed by British architects). This unique architecture makes navigation within the capital of India remarkably straightforward.

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