How much does it cost to vacation in Nusa Dua

Nusa Dua does have many types of activities, but just how much does a vacation in this city cost?

Nusa Dua Vacation Prices

Nusa Dua vacations create unforgettable memories for many tourists. If you haven't experienced this resort yet, we recommend packing your bags and heading there soon.

Reviews of vacations in Nusa Dua are overwhelmingly positive. While foreign tourists often choose this destination, our travelers opt for different resorts. However, the lower popularity of Nusa Dua among compatriots only adds to its charm.

The prices for a vacation in Nusa Dua vary depending on the traveler's preferences, with the overall budget of the trip heavily influenced by the choice of hotel. For instance, there are luxurious options like Ayodya Resort Bali Nusa Dua, where the nightly rate is IDR 2,200,000. On the other hand, you can find places where you'll pay five times less, at only 440,000 IDR per night.

A romantic getaway for two in Nusa Dua is a treat, thanks to the numerous charming restaurants and cafes on this small island where you can enjoy a candlelit evening. Alternatively, a peaceful picnic by the ocean on a quiet, pristine beach can be just as wonderful.

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