
The most romantic country: TOP 20 attractions in France

Gothic castles, vineyards, valuable museums, luxurious palaces, modern art centers, fashionable boutiques, enchanting views - this is not a complete list of the treasures that France is rich in. Today we will tell you where travelers can go in France, besides the Eiffel Tower, which appears on all French postcards.
22 june 2024
AUTHOR: Kybukevykh Khrystyna
11 min

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Kybukevykh Khrystyna
editor tripmydream

Eiffel Tower

Well, of course, it's worth starting the selection with the main tourist landmark not only of the country's capital but of all of France. After all, who among us hasn't dreamed of taking a few bright shots in front of the tower, which for many years has become a symbol of marriage proposals, declarations, and love?

The history of this world-famous structure began in 1886 when a competition was organized to select the best engineering and architectural projects. This competition was won by a promising young architect, Gustave Eiffel, with his "strange structure".

Why strange? The fact is that now the Eiffel Tower has gained worldwide fame, but once it caused a mixed reaction among Parisians. While visitors to the city admired the monumentality of the structure, many residents, overwhelmed by the size of the tower, were against its presence in the city and repeatedly demanded that the authorities dismantle the structure.

However, the Eiffel Tower was saved from demolition, and now it has gained fame as the most romantic structure in the world, which thousands of travelers from all over the world strive to see or have a picnic at its foot.

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The Louvre

The Louvre, sprawling in the French capital, is considered the largest museum in the world, with over 35,000 exhibits presented here on an area of 60,600 m². Annually, this place is visited by more than 8 million people.

The museum is housed in a luxurious palace building, constructed back in the distant 12th century by King Philip Augustus. Throughout history, this place has undergone many changes - it served as a museum, a residence for rulers, a writing academy, and since 1793, it has housed masterpieces of world artists: paintings, sculptures, etc.

The museum's collection is divided into 8 sections: Ancient Egypt, Ancient East, Ancient Greece, Etruria and Rome, Islamic Art, Sculptures, Art Objects, Fine Arts, and Graphic Arts. Even 10 years wouldn't be enough to thoroughly examine all the museum's exhibits, so choose interesting themes for yourself and allocate a whole day to visit the Louvre.

The French Riviera

The French Riviera is the most famous and visited region of France after Paris. It concentrates well-known southern French cities: Nice, Cannes, Marseille, Saint-Tropez, which are mostly associated with luxury and wealth.

This land has always attracted outstanding people: Van Gogh, Picasso, Marcel Pagnol, Auguste Renoir, F. Scott Fitzgerald loved to visit these places. It's not surprising, as the French Riviera amazes its visitors with a variety of landscapes: small bays with turquoise water, on the shores of which maritime pines grow; the Camargue plain or the vineyards of Vaucluse; the Haute-Provence plateau filled with the fragrance of lavender or the peaks of the Southern Alps - this region will be an invaluable find for lovers of natural masterpieces.

Dune of Pilat

Near the town of Arcachon, on the shore of Arcachon Bay, lies a living natural attraction of France - the Dune of Pilat. The highest dune in Europe is a huge sand mountain that constantly moves and slowly grows in height. For example, in 1855, the height of the dune was recorded at 35 meters, and today its height reaches 130 meters! The process of forming this sand mountain began about 8,000 years ago and continues to this day.

Today, the Dune of Pilat has become a popular tourist attraction, so there is appropriate infrastructure around the mountain. There's a car park, souvenir shops, cafes where you can taste oysters or mussels, and even a hotel. A long staircase leads to the top of the mountain.


32 kilometers from the capital of France, in the city of Marne-la-Vallée, lies a luxurious park where fairy tales come to life. Its name is Disneyland. Annually, about 15 million tourists from all over the world come here to feel the atmosphere of endless celebration, meet favorite characters, and find themselves inside popular films.

Disneyland in Paris remains the only Walt Disney universe park in Europe, but it has grown to 1,943 hectares and more than a hundred attractions.

The park consists of three main parts: Disneyland Park, Walt Disney Studios, and the Disney Village shopping area. Here you will find various attractions, entertainment shows, theme parks, and mountains of impressions.

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Notre-Dame Cathedral

The Gothic Catholic church, celebrated in Hugo's work, is another symbol of Paris and all of France. Its construction spanned a century. The first stone of the shrine was laid by Pope Alexander III himself in 1163.

In 2019, during reconstruction, a severe fire broke out in the building. The fire destroyed some rarities and unique decorative elements. However, the whole world responded to this tragic event, and through the funds of patrons, a careful reconstruction of the damaged parts of the building is being carried out. Due to this, it is currently not possible to see the cathedral from the inside, but its monumental appearance and extraordinary cultural and architectural value continue to attract travelers here daily, wishing to view the shrine at least from the outside.

Mont Saint-Michel Abbey

Mont Saint-Michel is a unique island, a jewel of Normandy, home to a fairytale abbey surrounded by turbulent sea. There is no equivalent to this fantastic place in the world. Twice a day, due to the highest tides in Europe, the walls of this fortress turn into an impregnable island. Keep in mind that during this period, you will not be able to either enter or leave the island.

An interesting fact for "The Lord of the Rings" fans: this abbey was the prototype for the famous fortress of Minas Tirith in the film. Mont Saint-Michel is often called the eighth wonder of the world and the most popular location in Normandy. During your trip to France, you simply cannot miss this unique place.

Palace of Versailles

Versailles is a majestic palace and park ensemble located in the suburb of Paris of the same name. The complex is included in the prestigious list of 100 wonders of the world, and in 1979 it was also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

This luxurious estate can be divided into several key elements:

  • The Château (the main palace of Versailles), a magnificent building, a symbol of luxury and art.
  • The Grand Trianon, another architectural gem, located in this beautiful place.
  • The Petit Trianon, Marie Antoinette's private residence, which still inspires visitors with its elegance today.
  • Marie Antoinette's Farm, a secluded corner with country charm.
  • Beautiful gardens, where nature combines with the art of harmony.
  • The Grand Park, providing a unique opportunity for walks and outdoor recreation.

In short, the vast territory of Versailles is simply packed with interesting and beautiful locations that evoke surprise and admiration, you just need to visit.

Millau Viaduct

The Millau Viaduct is one of the tallest bridges in the world. One of its piers reaches a height of 341 meters, which is taller than the Eiffel Tower. Millau is built across the Tarn River valley near the city of the same name.

The project was designed by architect Norman Foster and engineer Michel Virlogeux. Despite its massive columns, their creation looks light, and when the clouds are low, it seems to float in the air, creating an amazingly beautiful picture.

Loire Valley Castles

The Loire Valley, included in the World Heritage list, is the second most popular tourist destination in France after Paris.

Traveling here, tourists get acquainted with a number of cities, including Orleans, Nantes, and Angers. Majestic castles were built in these cities and their surroundings, created for royal persons and noble people of France who wanted to escape from bustling Paris. They are all built against the backdrop of endless meadows and forests.

It's unlikely you'll be able to see all the castles at once, as there are about 60 of them here, but depriving yourself of at least trying to do so can be considered a real tourist crime.

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Chamonix-Mont-Blanc is a valley in the Alps that has become a cult place for skiing. One of the oldest ski resorts, with a history spanning over 200 years, is famous not only for its unique mountain panorama views but also for its excellent tourist infrastructure and variety of active entertainments.

The resort is located at an altitude of 1035 meters, but almost all ski runs are located at an altitude of more than 2000 meters. The entire valley, 16 kilometers long and covering an area of 3000 hectares, has prepared slopes with 69 ski runs, divided by difficulty level into several separate areas. To visit the valley, there is an electric train and free buses.

The Old City of Carcassonne

In the French province of Languedoc lies a unique attraction of France - the fortress city of Carcassonne. This ancient city attracts thousands of tourists with its significant size and rich history. It's a real medieval city, well-preserved to this day.

As a fortified point, Carcassonne existed in ancient times - it was built in the 2nd century BC. Later, power over it passed to the Romans, Visigoths, Saracens, and Franks. Carcassonne gained world fame only in the 19th century when it was restored by order of Napoleon III. If you have a desire to travel back to the Middle Ages for at least a day, Carcassonne is the ideal location for time travel.

Petite France

A romantic and picturesque quarter of Strasbourg, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In the distant 16th century, fishermen and craftsmen engaged in leather production settled here, which led to an unpleasant smell taking root in the streets.

Currently, "Petite France" has transformed into an exquisite historic district with half-timbered houses adorned with blooming balconies, quiet alleys, and covered bridges over the Ill River.


The small town of Saint-Tropez in the south of France, located on the French Riviera near such prestigious holiday centers as Cannes and Nice, has become one of the most popular seaside resorts in Europe and acquired the status of a French attraction. The fame of this fashionable town came in the 19th century thanks to the works of the artist Paul Signac, who glorified the beauty of these places.

There are activities for every visitor here:

  • Nature lovers can visit the butterfly museum, which presents about 4,500 specimens of these beautiful insects of different species.
  • Art connoisseurs are recommended to go to the art museum, which exhibits an extensive collection of works by artists captivated by the beauty of Saint-Tropez.
  • To immerse yourself in the spirit of the local places and feel their flavor, you can visit the Old Port – a very lively place with many noisy establishments.
  • History enthusiasts should see the ancient Château de Suffren, founded in the 10th century, located right above the port;
  • For those wishing to relax body and soul, this seaside town has beautiful beaches – both wild and private, equipped for various sports activities.


The surprising thing is that a location with such an interesting name as "Champs-Élysées" actually has nothing to do with real fields. Magnificent architecture, picturesque alleys, and historical monuments at every step - this is what comes to mind first when talking about the Champs-Élysées, the most famous street in Paris.

Throughout its length from the Louvre to the Arc de Triomphe, tourists are attracted by the windows of luxury shops and bright signs of entertainment venues. The promenade is divided into several squares:

  • Carré des Ambassadeurs, including hotels for diplomats;
  • Élysée Square, where the residence of the French President is located;
  • Marigny - a square with a theater and a philatelic market;
  • Ledoyen - a square where the restaurant of the same name is located;
  • Grand Carré, including the Petit and Grand Palais.

The City of Colmar

Colmar is the most beautiful city in Alsace. The old districts here are well preserved, so on your first visit, it seems like you've found yourself in the set of a fairy tale being filmed. We especially recommend visiting Little Venice and the Fishmonger's District here - the most interesting parts of the city.

Colmar's microclimate is conducive to wine production, so there are many wineries nearby where tours are conducted and wine is offered. And almost every month, they hold a big festival here - you definitely won't be bored.

Claude Monet's Garden

Claude Monet's Garden is the place where the famous painter lived. In essence, the garden itself is a work of art, no less remarkable than the artist's canvases. You won't find classic flower beds here - everything looks as if it's in the wild, in natural conditions. Numerous paths lead to different parts of the garden, and at each turn, a new beautiful view opens up.

In the middle of the garden, amidst lush greenery and bright flowers, Monet's house, which has become a museum, is nestled. This long and low building with pink walls, green shutters, and a staircase has fully preserved its interior as it was during the artist's lifetime.

Lascaux Cave

This unique cave was discovered in the commune of Montignac on the bank of the Vézère River in 1940. The cave became a genuine discovery in the field of archaeology. It is a key element in the study of the Paleolithic era.

The quantity and quality of rock paintings found here surpass all other sources. That's why Lascaux is called the Sistine Chapel of prehistoric painting. At the same time, the dimensions of the cave are relatively small: up to 30 meters in height and about 250 meters in length.

Verdon Gorge

France is full of wonders, both man-made and natural. When briefly covering the attractions of France, it's impossible to remember only the former, leaving the latter unattended. One of the most spectacular places is located in the historic region of Provence.

This is the Verdon Gorge, which reaches a depth of 700 meters. Here, the most charming views open up: white cliffs, the blue of the Verdon River, and the greenery of lush vegetation create a panorama of incredible beauty. For those who love active recreation, there's plenty to do in the surrounding area – there are a number of hiking routes, you can try canoeing, kayaking, or ride part of the way on horseback.

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