
How much does it cost to vacation in New Zealand

tripmydream has calculated how much a trip to New Zealand would cost.

Vacation prices in New Zealand are quite high.

Like any island nation lost in the ocean, this country is limited in regular supplies and dependent on air and sea travel. Tourism here remains a significant share of the nation's total revenue. And in New Zealand it affects the cost of vacation. But everything is known in comparison. Shopping here may not be too expensive. Yes, and to eat really relatively cheap, if you try. Accommodation won't cost you a lot of money either.

Excursions and entertainment are quite expensive, so don't spend less than 1000 NZD per person, especially if you want a full-fledged hike and sightseeing. So the average cost of a tour to New Zealand is NZD3,000-4,000 minimum for the simplest sightseeing destinations.

Tour prices in New Zealand depend a lot on the season and what you want to see. It may be cheaper to fly in, rent a car and drive around the country.

-The flight to New Zealand takes up a big chunk of the travel budget. The cheapest ticket in the off-season, spring or fall, costs in the region of 2000 NZD. On average, a ticket in summer and winter will cost around 3000 NZD or more.

Living in New Zealand is not too expensive. Higher class hotels cost from 150 NZD, and there are cheaper options. You can find a room for 20-50 NZD, especially if you're in the outback or staying in the private sector.

- Eating out in New Zealand depends on your choice. A restaurant check for one ranges from 70-100 NZD for lunch. Snacking at simple places like burger joints is many times cheaper, 15-50 NZD, but not too healthy. Store for food for the day - actually between 15-100 NZD, but you're choosing variety and quality.

- Transportation in New Zealand is quite expensive when it comes to buses, especially the comfortable ones. Read here for details. On average, public transport costs NZD 1-3, and getting around between cities costs from NZD 100.

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