Weather in Durban

When is the best time to travel to Durban? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

Durban's mild subtropical climate dictates the weather. But at any time of year, the weather in Durban for a week or more is characterized by high rainfall. Most of them fall in February-March - up to 130 mm. The least - in June-July - up to 30 mm. The coldest months are June-September, when the weather in Durban for 14 days and more drops to an average of +22°C.

Night during this period, the weather in Durban for 5 days and more is characterized by an average temperature of +12-16 °C. The months from December to March are considered the warmest. At this time, the weather forecast in Durban spoils the night temperature to +21-22°C, and the daytime temperature to +27-26°C. Although it happens that during this period, the daytime weather in Durban for 3 days and more spoils with temperatures of +40°C.

sunny weather over the city

When is it cheaper to travel to the city of Durban

If you have the opportunity and the desire, there should be no question about whether or not you should go to Durban. Of course, you should firmly declare to everyone you know and care about, "I'm going to Durban!". And it practically does not matter at what time of the year this opportunity will fall. It's a year-round resort, with up to 320 days of sunshine a year.

It's hard to say when it's cheaper to travel to Durban. The flow of tourists doesn't stop all year round, so prices are pretty much the same all the time. When is the best time to go to Durban is more a question of how much heat you can tolerate.

Durban coast

The highest temperatures are observed between December and March. During this time, daytime temperatures can reach +40°C. If you prefer to rest at cooler temperatures, it is better to go to Durban in June-September, when daytime temperatures average +22°C.

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