Accommodation prices in Bentota can vary significantly, depending on the hotel and its rating. For instance, staying at the luxurious five-star Saman Villas in Bentota will cost you 59,000 LKR per night. While this may seem like a substantial sum, it's not uncommon for tourists seeking top-tier comfort.
On the other hand, a stay at the four-star Centara Ceysands Resort & Spa Sri Lanka comes at a price of 28,000 LKR per night, and the three-star Club Bentota offers rooms at 30,000 LKR per night. As you can see, the star rating doesn't always determine the highest cost.
If you're looking for a more budget-friendly way to arrange accommodation in Bentota, consider renting rooms from locals. It's a cost-effective option, although it may not offer the same level of comfort as a hotel. While it won't provide the amenities of a hotel, it can help you save on your budget. It's worth noting that this accommodation option isn't very popular among tourists, as some may have concerns about trusting strangers and safeguarding their belongings.
Alternatively, you can opt for a less luxurious hotel that still offers excellent service, comfortable rooms, and a significantly lower price point.