A rather convenient way to quickly get to the desired place is to use public transportation in Mirgorod.
There are 28 buses of different brands running around the city, which cover different streets of the wonderful resort. The price of such local transportation in Mirgorod is very low, only 1.50 UAH.
A tip for tourists in the matter of transport in Mirgorod would be to find out in advance which shuttle buses run near your hotel or sanatorium, as well as to write down cab numbers.
Cab is another extremely convenient mode of transportation in Mirgorod, which is used by very many vacationers. You need to call a cab service, and a car will be waiting for you very soon. The price per kilometer in Mirgorod is 4UAH, but the amount per landing differs for different firms. For example, the company "Kurortnoe", which has a very high rating among users, charges 16UAH for boarding, while the company "Arthur" charges as much as 20 UAH.
Both minibuses and cabs are a very convenient way to get around the city, but what will be more convenient for you is up to you.