Bus stations in Odesa

Everything a tourist needs to know about Odesa bus stations: address and phone numbers of the information service, location on the map. How to get from bus stations to the city center.

Odesa bus stations handle arrivals and departures of intercity, urban, suburban, and international buses. The passenger service level here is consistently high, and bus schedules are meticulously maintained.

The facilities at Odesa bus stations include:

  • Ticket offices
  • Information desk
  • Comfortable waiting rooms
  • Cozy cafes
  • Luggage storage rooms

Central Bus Station "Odesa"

Odesa's central bus station handles approximately 200 buses daily, serving a wide range of destinations. You can purchase tickets to major cities across Ukraine, as well as many neighboring countries, including Russia. The international bus station in Odesa also offers routes to select European countries. The station has covered platforms for passenger boarding.

Within the central bus station building, you can find the Express Hotel (priced at 430 UAH per night for two people).

Contact Information

Address: 58 Kolontayevskaya str.

Phone: (048) 736-20-06

How to Get to the City Center

The central bus station of Odesa is conveniently located, and reaching the city center is straightforward. You have several options:

  • Take streetcar number 5 to the "Arcadia" stop, then walk for 15 minutes.
  • Or, you can take route cab № 220A or № 175 to get to the city center.
Odessa bus station

Privoz Bus Terminal

The Privoz bus terminal in Odesa gets its name from the nearby market of the same name. It is also located very close to the railway station of Odesa. This bus station primarily serves intercity buses. While it may not match the central bus station in terms of passenger volume, it is steadily gaining popularity. Currently, numerous buses depart from the Odesa Privoz bus terminal.

Contact Information

Address: 5, Novoschepnaya Ryad St.
Phone: (048) 777-74-82

How to get to the city center

The bus station "Privoz" Odesa is located near the city center. You can walk to Deribasovskaya Street in 20 minutes along Ekaterininskaya or Rishelievskaya Streets. You can also get there by shuttle bus № 220A or № 117.

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