Weather in Hanoi

Before traveling to Hanoi, check the weather forecast for the city. Better yet, think in advance about the best time of year to travel here.

Because Vietnam has a very different climate from what you're used to, make sure you familiarize yourself with it and check the 14-day weather in Hanoi before you go.

The area is characterized by high humidity in the summer and a dry season in November and April. Even in the dry season, however, the weekly weather in Hanoi can predict regular rainfall - just more so in summer. In winter, the temperature here stays at +15-20 ° C, sometimes colder to +6-7 ° C. But even in record cold winters there have been no sub-zero temperatures here.

In the dry season, the weather forecast for Hanoi usually predicts northeasterly and easterly winds that bring rather cold air from the mainland.

Summer is very hot: if you look at the weather in Hanoi for 5 days in May-September, you'll see that even at night it can be +25°C or higher.

Before a short-term visit to the city, check the weather in Hanoi for 3 days to find the right vacation closet.

When is the best time to go to Hanoi?

The optimal time is spring and fall. In spring, it's still not too hot, the rains are not too prolonged, and the whole place is fragrant with flowering plants. Deciding "I'm going to Hanoi in October", you can enjoy the comfortable temperature and weather too.

Should I go to Hanoi in summer? More likely no than yes: very hot, very humid, very many mosquitoes. Winter in Hanoi is not cold, but quite wet. In general, it's quite comfortable, and in early February it's New Year's Eve according to the local calendar.

When is it cheaper to travel to Hanoi? It's not the most favorable season, but only those who like climatic extremes should make this decision.

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