Climate in Muine

Learn all about the climatic conditions as well as the fauna and flora of this resort.

The climate of this Vietnamese resort is renowned for its winds, which annually draw a significant number of surfers to Mui Ne from around the world. Typically, the wind picks up from lunchtime and continues until late afternoon.

Average temperatures in Mui Ne hover around +28-30°C. The rainy season in Mui Ne falls between May and October. While rain can occur several times a day during this period, the showers are usually brief. After each rainfall, you'll notice a refreshing coolness and pleasant freshness in the air. Even during the rainy season, Mui Ne retains its stunning beauty and vibrant atmosphere.

butterfly on a flower in Muine

Beauty and Wildlife in Mui Ne

Mui Ne boasts a warm and humid climate that fosters a rich diversity of plant and animal life. One-third of Vietnam's total land area is covered by tropical and subtropical forests. In these mixed tropical forests, you can find pine trees, broad-leaved trees, bamboo, and numerous lianas. River deltas in the region are home to dense mangrove forests.

The local fauna in Mui Ne is quite varied, although its populations have declined due to habitat destruction and illegal hunting. The marine resources in the area are diverse, supporting not only fishing but also transportation, tourism, sanatoriums, and resort services. The continental shelf zone is estimated to contain approximately 3 million tons of fish and 65 thousand tons of shrimp annually. Significant reserves of other sea products, including shellfish and seaweed, are also present.

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