Public transportation in Mui Ne

The cheapest way to get around is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

The primary resort strip in Mui Ne spans about 10 kilometers, making walking a less feasible option. Public transportation in Mui Ne is primarily served by buses. Bus number 1 operates between the exotic resort of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet city, with a frequency of every 15-20 minutes. This Mui Ne public transportation option stops at all points along the tourist strip and costs just 5,000 VND.

Travelers often receive advice to consider using motorcycle taxis for transportation in Mui Ne. These motorcycle cabs can be found almost everywhere, but it's important to negotiate the fare before availing of their services. Traditional taxis are also a common mode of transportation in Mui Ne, with fares typically starting at around VND9,000 per kilometer.

Transportation prices in Mui Ne may vary, particularly depending on the season of your visit. This fluctuation is especially noticeable for private taxis and motorcycle rickshaws.

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