
How much does it cost to vacation in Australia

tripmydream has calculated how much it would cost to travel to Australia.

It may seem to some that the prices for a vacation in Australia bite. Of course, a vacation on this continent will cost you two or even three times more expensive than the average European resort. But the cost of vacation in Australia is quite comparable to the most fashionable resorts in Europe. So, on average the cost of a tour to Australia cost varies from 1700 to 2000 AUD for one person, based on a trip for a week. This price will include flights, accommodation and the most basic set of excursions, such as Sydney if you are flying to Sydney. What else might prices for tours to Australia?

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  • flying to Sydney or another Australian city from Europe costs in the neighborhood of 900 AUD.
  • hotel accommodation in Australia ranges from 50 AUD to that higher end, which depends on the hotel. For a five-star hotel somewhere on the island of Tasmania you can pay both 500 and 1000 AUD per night.
  • Catering in Australia just may not be too expensive. If you decide to eat in restaurants and cafes in the country, you will quite find both simple "canteens" with hardly American menu (hot dogs, chips, pizza), and complicated restaurants with kangaroo meat. But on average you can eat for 10-50 AUD per check. For example, a regular burger costs in the neighborhood of 15 AUD.
  • Transportation in Australia depends on where you are going and what you are taking. The subway in Sydney costs in the neighborhood of 5 AUD. Intercity train tickets start at 50 AUD, bus routes are usually cheaper but a long ride. For more on transportation, read here.

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