How to get from the airport to St. Anton am Arlberg

If you are traveling to St. Anton am Arlberg on your own, the information about the road from the airport will come in handy.

When choosing how to get to St. Anton am Arlberg, guests usually opt for the railroad. It really is the easiest, as the resort stands on a major Austrian railroad line.

Train schedules are available on the railroads' websites:

Most of the trains going through the Alps are on this line, so there's no problem getting from the same Innsbruck.

For tourists who intend to travel by rail in Austria, there is an Interrail: pass for children, youth under 26 and adults over 26. Details can be found here.

Auto on the road to St. Anton

The 1 Country Pass can be purchased either in your home country or, if you are already in Austria, at the train station. In this case, a passport and a photograph are required. There is also the Interrail: 1 country pass for tourists from abroad traveling within Austria. Ideal for Fly & Bahn travelers. It can be used one month for 3, 4, 6 and 8 days. Prices range from 50 EUR for children to 100 EUR for adults for second class for train and bus.

If you are traveling to St. Anton am Arlberg by car, you must have a vignette. This travel sticker is available at all gas stations, near the border and in stores. Vignettes for 10 days, 2 months and 1 year are compulsory on the country's toll autobahns. If you don't have one, you risk a fine. Some mountain passes may be closed in winter, and those that are open year-round often do not work after heavy snowfalls. Winter tires are a must in the winter.

The speed limit is 130 km/h on autobahns, 100 km/h on regular roads, and 50 km/h in cities. The permissible alcohol level is 0.5 ppm. All passengers must be buckled up and carry signal warning vests. From Innsbruck or Munich, you can get to St. Anton via Landeck, from Switzerland via St. Gallen or Zargans, then via the Arlberg Pass or the tunnel of the same name.

The transfer time from Innsbruck is 3 hours. If you arrive at Zurich airport, you will need a transit visa. There are daily SWISS flights and the transfer time is 2 hours and 10 minutes

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