Bahamas vacations in May

Best destinations to travel to the Bahamas in May.

Before planning a tour to the Bahamas in May, it is necessary to look at the climatic situation in the country. The fact is that since the last fall month, climatic summer begins on the territory of the archipelago. In this regard, the northern wind streams give way to air layers of southeastern trade winds.

Vacation in the Bahamas in May can be marred by the fact that from this month the rainy season begins. However, locals consider it the most comfortable of the year. As a rule, the rains come only at night and are perceived by tourists as something exotic.

Along with this, a Bahamas tour in the spring can also seem very appealing. After all, at the end of May, the Caribbean Music Fest takes place here for a whole week. This event makes vacation in the Bahamas in the spring popular with young people and tourists with an active life position.

Due to the fact that the low season starts in the country, the price of a tour to the Bahamas in May is gradually decreasing. You can book accommodations and hotels at lower rates with tripmydream. On average, the price of a Bahamas vacation in May can be found for 3400 BSD.

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