Transportation in the Bahamas

Public transportation in the Bahamas: its features and ticket prices.

Rail service, as well as public transportation, cannot be found in the Bahamas. Travel around the islands is by car, bicycle and motorcycle. Cabs are available in the capital city.

Communication between islands is carried out by boats and ferries. The Bahamas also has two major international airports in Nissau and Freeport. In addition to these, there are about 60 smaller airports throughout the country.

There is a water cab service between Nissau and Paradise Island. The fastest ferries on the territory of the island state are FastFerries. Some islands can also be traveled by government ferries, they do not travel as fast, but the fare is lower.

Postal ships depart from the harbor to Nassau every two weeks. As a rule, they make 6-hour trips at night. Tourists should not travel on them, as they are slow and unreliable. On the territory of all the islands there is a huge number of piers. Renting a boat here to get to a particular island will not be difficult.

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