Basic information about Brussels

The city's past and present.

The capital of the Kingdom of Belgium is situated along the Senne River (though it's not visible within the city limits) and comprises three distinct parts: the northern, central, and southern regions. It's essential to note that Brussels is, in fact, a separate commune within the Brussels-Capital Region, with a total population of approximately 2 million residents.

The city itself, despite hosting crucial administrative institutions, is relatively small, with a population of fewer than 150 thousand people. Nevertheless, locals commonly use the term "Brussels" when referring to the entire region.

The city of Brussels architecture

Brussels is believed to have its roots in the 6th century, but the earliest known reference to this "settlement on the marsh" (the city's translated name) dates back to the year 996. Brussels officially became a city after the construction of a fortress and chapel towards the end of the 10th century, and in the 11th century, the city was fortified.

Throughout its history, Brussels has served as the capital of Burgundy, faced attacks by the French Republic, and even came under Spanish rule at times.

City of Brussels

Multiple "redivisions" of the city have resulted in Brussels being a bilingual city to this day. As a result, all road signs and guidebooks feature names in both French and Dutch.

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