The resort of St. Constantine and Helena provides its guests with entertainment for every taste. For adult tourists a lot of entertainment options are offered. Active recreation lovers have an opportunity to stretch out on tennis courts, get windsurfing lessons, go skiing, snowboarding and horseback riding, take archery lessons, play miniature golf.
In August, the town holds a traditional beauty contest "Miss and Mr. Resort" Lovers of peace and quiet, can stroll through the old park, visit cute restaurants, admire the panoramic views of the sea.
The nightlife of St. Constantine and St. Helena is naturally inferior to Varna or Golden Sands, however, lovers of partying can visit discos, casinos and youth clubs. Nightclubs in the city are few, although there is an opportunity for recreation. Fans of a raucous nightlife can go to neighboring Varna and enjoy it to the fullest.