Vacation prices
In relation to other exotic vacation destinations, the Cambodian resort is considered cheap. A vacation for two in Sihanoukville will rarely ever exceed the sum of KHR 4,000,000.
A restaurant vacation in Sihanoukville for one person will cost 40,000-60,000 KHR per person. If you prefer to eat in a cafe, the average bill will be KHR 20,000-25,000.
Cost of Accommodation
For a decent guesthouse in Sihanoukville, a room with all amenities can be rented for around 60,000 KHR. A good massage will cost KHR 20,000 and a full excursion to a neighboring island for no more than KHR 25,000.
According to reviews, a vacation in Sihanoukville will be pleasant to spend not only alone, but also in a noisy group of friends. Here you can not only pass the time lying on the beach, but also while visiting places of interest to the tourist. For more information about how much is the cost of rest in Sihanoukville, you can find out from the tour operator who prepares your tour or on specialized forums.