
How to get to Qingdao

If you are going to travel to Qingdao on your own, explore all possible routes from the nearest airport to the tourist center of the city.

Has your plane landed in Qingdao already? The last step left for your vacation is to get to your hotel room. Transportation in the city is very well developed, so you won't have any trouble doing this.

The Qingdao Airport bus route 710 is very popular with tourists who fly into Qingdao Airport and picks up passengers at the airport itself. As for the cost, the fare will cost you CNY 15.

You can also rent a car. This is a very convenient way to get around the city. There will be a wide range of cars for different preferences and budgets. There is no doubt that you will love renting a car as you will be your own boss.

A cab is an equally convenient way to get to the hotel. One call and the car will be waiting for you at the airport. The comfortable and air-conditioned ride will go very quickly. The first 4 kilometers will cost you 7 CNY, further cheaper.

It's up to you to choose which of these is more convenient for you.

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