Accommodation Prices in Sanya
The prices for accommodation in Sanya can vary widely depending on several factors, including the hotel's star rating, the type of package offered, the number of travelers, the presence of children, the duration of the stay, and your vacation preferences (family-oriented, romantic, active, or beach-focused).
On average, a five-star hotel in Sanya will cost around CHY 1,000 per room per night, a four-star hotel approximately CHY 500, and a three-star hotel roughly CHY 350.
If you're looking for budget-friendly options, there are guesthouses and rented apartments available. Guesthouses like Nirvana Hotel, Venus Theme Apartment Sanya Bay, and Dajiaoban Guesthouse offer stays ranging from CHY 80-150. For even more affordable accommodation, consider rented apartments such as Shi Guang Homestay or Sea Time Inn, where prices typically range from CHY 50-90.