Sanya Vacation Prices
When it comes to planning a vacation in Sanya, it's essential to be aware that this resort is not known for being budget-friendly. The cost of your Sanya vacation will depend on the type of experience you're seeking. If you're looking for an affordable vacation in Sanya for two people, you can find accommodation options ranging from 50-90 CHY per day for a rented apartment. Dining in inexpensive restaurants typically averages around 10-20 USD.
However, prices for a Sanya vacation at high-end hotels are significantly different. A three-star hotel may start from CHY 350 per night per person, a four-star from CHY 500, and a five-star from CHY 1000 and beyond. Dining at fine restaurants can result in an average check of several hundred dollars.
Active recreation and entertainment in Sanya can also be costly. A visit to various recreational parks may require a budget of at least CHY 150-200. Additionally, consider taxi fares, which are around CHY 7 for initial boarding and approximately CHY 2 per kilometer (CHY 2.7 outside the city), as some attractions may require transportation.