Nearest airport to Boca Chica

Planning to fly to Boca Chica? Find out which airport you will arrive at. You will also find in this material all the necessary information about the infrastructure of the hub.

Boca Chica has no airport directly in Boca Chica, as the town is quite small. The closest air gates to the resort are in the Dominican capital, Santa Domingo.

A map of Santa Domingo airport is not necessary to understand where and what is here. The airport's infrastructure is rather underdeveloped. There are only a few stores where you can buy traditional local souvenirs such as rum, coffee, or cigars.

The national flavor of the airport is expressed in its design. It takes the form of a marquee. Standing behind a low fence, you can enjoy stunning views of planes landing and taking off.

For flight schedules from Santa Domingo Airport, visit its website and the websites of the major international carriers.

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