Locals practically do not speak English, so you cannot do without a English-Indonesian phrasebook. At the same time, you should take into account the fact that the Indonesian phrasebook with pronunciation can be called one of the most accessible in comparison with other languages of Southeast Asia.
With the help of an Indonesian phrasebook, you can learn the basic phrases that will come in handy when talking to airport staff, cab drivers, waiters or hoteliers. What's more, locals will be pleasantly surprised to hear a tourist speaking their native language and will give you the warmest of welcomes. Some useful phrases in Indonesian include the following:
Hello: |
Halo |
Goodbye: |
Sampai jumpa |
I don't understand: |
Saya tidak mengerti |
What is your name?: |
Apa yang menjadi nama anda? |
How's it going?: |
Apa kabar? |
Good: |
Baik |
Where's the restroom around here?: |
Di mana adalah kamar kecil? |
How much does it cost?: |
Berapa harganya? |
One ticket to...: |
Satu tiket ke... |
What time is it?: |
Jam berapa sekarang? |
No smoking: |
Dilarang merokok |
Input: |
Pintu masuk |
Exit: |
Jalan keluar |
Do you speak English?: |
Apakah Anda berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris? |
Where is it located?: |
Di mana ialah...? |
I want to make a reservation: |
Saya mau memesan meja |
Check, please: |
Coba periksa (rekening) |
Help me: |
Tolong saya |
Fire Department: |
Pasukan pemadam kebakaran |
Police: |
Polisi |
Ambulance: |
Ambulans |
Hospital: |
Rumah sakit |
I'm lost: |
Saya tersesat |
Pharmacy: |
Apotek |
Doctor: |
Dokter |
Please make a stop: |
Coba berhenti |
I need to book a room: |
Saya perlu untuk mencadangkan |
Funds: |
Membalikkan |
I want to pay the bill: |
Saya mau membayar rekening |