Map and region of Bergamo

To quickly find your way around Bergamo, be sure to use the map. We will tell you about the main areas of the city.

If you decide to rely on professionals and bought a tour to Bergamo, for a comfortable stay in the city, it will be enough for you to get a city map in Russian. If you organize your trip on your own, then here we strongly recommend that you have a map of Bergamo with hotels with you.

Using this map, you can find not only hotels, but also attractions, museums, restaurants, shops and parks in the city.

As we said above, Bergamo has a visible and clear division into two areas. The districts of the city are connected by funiculars, public transport and footpaths. Note that at 22.00 local time the gates to the Old Town are closed. This ritual has been preserved since the Middle Ages.

The most visited area in the center of the Old Town is Piazza Vecchia. It is here, despite the constant polyphony of tourist groups, that medieval slowness and some kind of detachment have been preserved. Ancient Bergamo mesmerizes its guests with the magnificence of its monuments, fountains and palaces.

You will get quite the opposite impression from visiting La Citta' Bassa. A lively, noisy, dynamic area located at the foot of seven hills at the confluence of the Brembo and Serio rivers. It is in this area of Bergamo that numerous tourists prefer to stay.

When choosing an area in which it is better to live, you should also pay attention to hotels and hostels located at the foot of the hill, where the funicular station starts. Public transport works well in Bergamo, and it will be convenient for you to get not only to the Old, but also to the New City.

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