Travel budget for Bergamo

We calculated how much a trip to Bergamo would cost.

There are a few things to keep in mind when planning your trip to Bergamo. First of all, Italy belongs to the category of average European countries in terms of prices. Holidays in Bergamo will be pleasant both in the case of your independent trip, and when buying a tour through an agency. When budgeting for a trip to Bergamo, as well as to other cities Italy, you should consider a few facts: the cost of flights, accommodation, transportation costs and expenses for visiting attractions.

Consider two basic options - a budget trip and a trip of medium comfort level.

So, a round-trip flight by low-cost airlines will cost travelers 120 to 220 EUR, a trip with comfortable flights of prestigious airlines will cost 180 to 240 EUR.

Prices for holidays in Bergamo are also varied - from 18 to 30 EUR per day at a budget hotel or a good hostel to the cost of apartments or hotels at 30-50 EUR per day.

According to the reviews of experienced travelers the best way to travel in Italy is to choose a rented car. Again, much will depend on the budget of your vacation. In Bergamo, the most convenient way to travel by small cars of the format "mini," the rental price of which costs 23-33 EUR per day. If your desire for comfort is irresistible, you should consider renting a standard car for 30 to 52 EUR.

To summarise, we can say that the budget for a holiday to Bergamo for two people for 7 days is approximately EUR 872. This is a starter economy option. If you are looking for a mid-range luxury holiday, it will cost from 1268 EUR.

These calculations only include accommodation and travel costs. For sightseeing and souvenir shopping it is also worth spending some money. If you're heading on a shopping tour, however, the cost increases significantly.

Experienced travelers say it's hard to say exactly how much a holiday in Bergamo costs. It all depends on your appetites and your budget.

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