Weather in Madonna di Campiglio

Before you go to Madonna di Campiglio, find out what the weather will be like on your chosen dates.

The weather in Madonna di Campiglio is typical of the province of Trento, of which it is part. It is dominated by a subtropical Mediterranean climate, mainly influenced by the sea. The cold masses from the west and north are held back by the Alps so the weather forecast for Madonna di Campiglio never gets very cold.

The only downside is the noticeable difference between night and daytime temperatures, which average 10-12°C. The hottest summer months are July and August, when the weather in Madonna di Campiglio for 14 days is high with daytime temperatures averaging 20°C. At night during this period, the weather in Madonna di Campiglio for the week will show temperatures of 8-7°C.

The coldest winter months are when the weather in Madonna di Campiglio for 5 days is between -2°C and +3°C. At night it drops to -11°C. Of course, in the mountains, the weather in Madonna di Campiglio for 3 days or more will differ significantly from the plain in favour of lower temperatures.

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