Holidays in Maldives October

Best destinations to travel to Maldives in October.

+30 ° C heat during the day, +25 ° C - at night, +27 ° C heat in the water and 82% humidity - that's what promises a vacation in the Maldives in October. High humidity provokes frequent rains. During this period the islands receive up to 220 mm of precipitation, but the rains occur mainly at night. If they happen during the day, they do not last long, although the days are mostly cloudy.

Traditionally, vacation in the Maldives in the fall is accompanied by windy weather. October in this sense is no exception. But the strong wind happens in the second half of the month, while in the first half it is relatively moderate. Often tours to the Maldives in October are bought by surfers, and mostly beginners. During this period, the waves allow you to practice, rising not so high to impede learning or mastering new skills. At the same time, the prices of vacations in the Maldives in October are still affordable.

This period is also loved for the opportunity to see, feed and even touch stingrays and baby sharks from the shore. They swim here for the plankton, which at this time in the waters is just a huge amount. Already for the sake of it is worth monitoring the prices of tours to the Maldives in October, to be able to realize this year.

The easiest way to find tours to the Maldives in fall is through tripmydream, which has a wide variety of search terms.

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