Despite the fact that Spanish is the official language in Peru, some regions use dialects, so you can't do without an English-Spanish phrasebook.
Despite the fact that Spanish is the official language in Peru, some regions use dialects, so you can't do without an English-Spanish phrasebook.
The indigenous people speak Quechua and Aymara. Both languages have had a strong influence on the official language, so even with a Spanish phrasebook with pronunciation, not everyone will understand you.
According to recent data, more than 80% of the local population consider Spanish their native language. Therefore, if you take a Spanish phrasebook with you, you can communicate with the locals. Moreover, the indigenous people will be pleased to hear their native language from a foreigner, and they will always come to help you.
We invite you to familiarize yourself with a list of useful phrases in Spanish to ease your stay in this distant country.
Yes | si |
No | no |
Thank you | gracias |
Please | por favor |
Excuse me | perdoneme |
Hello | hola |
Goodbye | adios |
I don't understand | no comprendo |
What is your name? | cual es tu nombre? |
How are you? | como esta usted? |
Good | muy bien |
Where is the toilet? | donde esta Servicio |
How much does it cost? | cuanto es? |
One ticket to… | un billete |
What time is it? | que hora es? |
No smoking | prohibido fumar |
ENTRANCE | entrada |
EXIT | salida |
Do you speak English? | habla ingles |
Where is it located? | donde esta? |
I need to book a room | una habitacion |
Tips | tips |
I want to pay the bill | la cuenta, por favor |
Passport | pasaporte |
Room, number | habitacion |
Open | abierto |
Closed | cerrado |
Discount | descuento |
Very expensive | caro |
Cheap | barato |
Please, make a stop | pare aqui, por favor |
I want to reserve a table | quiero reservar una mesa |
Check, please (bill) | la cuenta, por favor |